1 big girl's blouse
«Блуза большой девчонки». Это выражение, появившееся на севере Англии в 1960-е гг., используется по отношению к мужчине, который ведёт себя не так, как подобает, или к полнейшему слабаку. Вынимая занозу из руки мужчины, медсестра может воскликнуть: Hold still, you big girl's blouse! It won't hurt. — Сиди спокойно, трусишка! Это не больно. Говорят, что выражение пришло из футбола или регби и употреблялось по отношению к игроку, который вместо спортивной формы, считая её слишком грубой, надевал что-либо более элегантное. Достоверного доказательства этой экстравагантной версии не существует.English-Russian dictionary of expressions > big girl's blouse
2 big
1 ( in build) ( tall) grand (before n) ; ( strong) grand et fort, costaud ○ ; euph ( heavy) fort ; to get big(ger) ( taller) grandir ; ( fatter) grossir ; ( in pregnancy) s'arrondir ;2 ( in size) [bed, room, building, garden, lake, town] grand (before n) ; [animal, car, boat, parcel, box] gros/grosse (before n), grand (before n) ; a big book ( thick) un gros livre ; ( large-format) un grand livre ; to have big hands/big feet avoir de grandes mains/de grands pieds ; in big letters en grosses lettres ;3 ( in age) grand (before n) ; his big brother son grand frère, son frère aîné ; the big boys les grands ; you're a big girl tu es une grande fille ; you're big enough to know that tu es assez grand pour savoir que ;4 ( in extent) [family, crowd, class, party] grand (before n) ; [collection, organization, company] gros/grosse (before n), grand (before n) ; [meal] copieux/-ieuse ; to be a big eater manger beaucoup ;5 ( important) [question, problem, decision, change, moment, event] grand (before n) ; it makes a big difference ça fait une grande différence ; the extra rooms make a big difference ça fait une grande différence d'avoir des salles en plus ; you're making a big mistake tu es en train de faire une grave erreur ; I think we're on to something big ○ je sens que nous allons découvrir quelque chose d'important ; this may be the start of something big c'est peut-être le début de quelque chose d'important ;6 ( emphatic) you big baby! espèce de bébé! ; big bully! espèce de grande brute! ; to be big in the music business ○ être très connu dans le monde de la musique ; to be in big trouble être dans le pétrin ○ ; he gave me a big smile il m'a fait un grand sourire ; the big moment le grand moment ; a big thank you to… un grand merci à… ; to do sth in a big way faire qch sur une grande échelle ; to do things in a big way faire les choses en grand ; he fell for her in a big way il est tombé follement amoureux d'elle ;8 ( generous) [person] généreux/-euse ; to have a big heart avoir bon cœur, être très généreux ; that's big of you! iron c'est trop généreux de ta part! iron ;to be ou go over big ○ faire fureur, faire un tabac ○ (in à, en) ; to have a big head péj avoir la grosse tête ○ ; to have a big mouth ne pas savoir garder un secret ; why can't you keep your big mouth shut? tu n'aurais pas pu la fermer ○ ? ; to have big ideas, think big ○ voir grand ○ ; what's the big idea? qu'est-ce qui te prend? ; to look big US péj se donner de l'importance, frimer ○ ; to make it big ○ avoir beaucoup de succès ; to talk big ○ fanfaronner. -
3 big
biɡ1) (large in size: a big car.) grande2) (important: a big event.) gran, importante•- big gamebig adj1. grandehow big is it? ¿cómo es de grande?2. mayortr[bɪg]1 (size, importance) grande; (before sing noun) gran2 (older) mayor\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be too big for one's boots ser muy fanfarrón,-onato be big with child literal estar encintato go over big tener un gran éxitoto talk big fanfarronearbig bang theory teoría del big bangbig drum bombobig end cabeza de bielabig game caza mayorbig noise / big shot pez nombre masculino gordobig talk fanfarronadas nombre femenino pluralbig toe dedo gordo del piebig top carpa de circobig wheel noria1) large: grande2) pregnant: embarazada3) important, major: importante, grandea big decision: una gran decisión4) popular: popular, famoso, conocidoadj.• abultado, -a adj.• adulto, -a adj.• crecido, -a adj.• engreído, -a adj.• enorme adj.• gordal adj.• grande adj.• grandote adj.• importante adj.• potente adj.• voluminoso, -a adj.
I bɪgadjective - gg- [the usual translation, grande, becomes gran when it is used before a singular noun]1)a) ( in size) grandea big garden — un jardín grande, un gran jardín
how big is the table? — ¿cómo es de grande or qué tamaño tiene la mesa?
b) (in scale, intensity) grandea big hug/kiss — un abrazote/besote (fam)
2)a) ( major) grande, importanteb) ( great) grandeto be big on something — (colloq) ser* entusiasta or fanático de algo
3) (significant, serious) grandea big decision — una gran decisión, una decisión importante
it was a big mistake — fue un gran or grave error
the big question now is... — el quid del asunto or de la cuestión ahora es...
4) (older, grown up) grande5) ( magnanimous) generoso6) ( boastful)big talk — fanfarronada f
to get too big for one's boots o breeches: he's getting too big for his boots o breeches — se le han subido los humos a la cabeza
7) ( popular) (colloq) (pred) conocido, famososhe's really big in Europe — es muy conocida or famosa en Europa
adverb (colloq)a) ( ambitiously)to think big — ser* ambicioso, planear las cosas a lo grande
b) ( boastfully)to talk big — darse* importancia or ínfulas, fanfarronear
c) ( with great success)the movie went over big in Europe — la película tuvo un gran éxito or (fam) fue un exitazo en Europa
[bɪɡ]to make it big — tener* un gran éxito
1. ADJ(compar bigger) (superl biggest)1) (in size) [house, book, city] grandehow big is the wardrobe? — ¿cómo es de grande el armario?
a big woman — (=heavily-built) una mujer grande or grandota; euph (=fat) una mujer de grandes dimensiones
to take a big bite out of sth — dar un buen bocado a algoSee:GREAT, BIG, LARGE in great2) (=significant, serious) [change, problem] grandethe big question is, will he accept? — la cuestión es: ¿aceptará?
a tragedy? that's rather a big word — ¿una tragedia? eso es llevar las cosas un poco lejos3) (=important) [company, bank] importante, grandehe's one of our biggest customers — es uno de nuestros clientes más importantes, es uno de nuestros mayores clientes
this is her big day — hoy es su gran día, hoy es un día muy importante para ella•
to be big in publishing/plastics — ser muy conocido en el mundo editorial/la industria del plásticomy big brother/sister — mi hermano(-a) mayor
you're a big girl now! — ¡ahora ya eres mayorcita!
5) * (as intensifier)he's a big cheat/bully/liar — es un tramposo/un abusón/un mentiroso de marca mayor
6) (in phrases)•
what's the big hurry? * — ¿a qué viene tanta prisa?•
what's the big idea? * — ¿a qué viene eso?•
there's big money in tourism — se puede ganar mucho dinero con el turismoto make or earn big money — ganar mucho dinero
to have a big mouth * — (fig) ser un bocazas *why don't you keep your big mouth shut! * — ¡no seas bocazas! *
me and my big mouth! * — ¡quién me manda decir nada!
Mr Big * — el número uno•
it was big of you to lend them the money — fue muy generoso de tu parte prestarles el dinero(that's) big of you! * — iro ¡qué generosidad la tuya! iro
to be big on sth/sb * — ser un fanático de algo/algn•
we're onto something big! — ¡hemos dado con algo gordo!•
to do sth/things in a big way * — hacer algo/las cosas a lo grandeI think boxing will take off in a big way here * — pienso que el boxeo va a tener una aceptación buenísima aquí
the big wide world — el ancho mundodeal I, 1., 2)you're getting too big for your boots, young lady! * — se te están subiendo mucho los humos, señorita
See:GREAT, BIG, LARGE in great2.ADV*•
to act big — fanfarronear•
to go down big — tener muchísimo éxito, ser un verdadero éxito•
to make it big — triunfar•
to talk big — darse mucha importancia, fanfarronear•
to think big — planear a lo grande, ser ambicioso3.CPDthe Big Apple N — la Gran Manzana, Nueva York f
See:see cultural note CITY NICKNAMES in citybig band N — orquesta grande que tocaba música de jazz o de baile y que fue muy popular entre los años 30 y 50
the big bang N — (Astron) el big bang, la gran explosión
the big bang theory — la teoría del big bang or de la gran explosión
Big Ben N — (Brit) Big Ben m
Big Brother N (Pol) (also fig) —
big business N — (Ind, Comm) las grandes empresas
the big cats N — (Zool) los grandes felinos
big dipper N — (at fair) montaña f rusa
the Big Dipper — (US) (Astron) la Osa Mayor
big end N — (Aut) cabeza f de biela
big fish * N — (fig) (=person) pez m gordo *
big game hunter — cazador(a) m / f de caza mayor
big game hunting — caza f mayor
the big hand N — (used to or by children) (on clock) la aguja grande
big night N — (=important evening) gran noche f
The Big Issue N — (Brit) revista vendida por personas sin hogar, ≈ La Farola (Sp)
big talk N — fanfarronadas fpl
the big time * N — el estrellato, el éxito
big-timeto make the big time — alcanzar el éxito, triunfar
big top N — (=circus) circo m ; (=main tent) carpa f principal
* * *
I [bɪg]adjective - gg- [the usual translation, grande, becomes gran when it is used before a singular noun]1)a) ( in size) grandea big garden — un jardín grande, un gran jardín
how big is the table? — ¿cómo es de grande or qué tamaño tiene la mesa?
b) (in scale, intensity) grandea big hug/kiss — un abrazote/besote (fam)
2)a) ( major) grande, importanteb) ( great) grandeto be big on something — (colloq) ser* entusiasta or fanático de algo
3) (significant, serious) grandea big decision — una gran decisión, una decisión importante
it was a big mistake — fue un gran or grave error
the big question now is... — el quid del asunto or de la cuestión ahora es...
4) (older, grown up) grande5) ( magnanimous) generoso6) ( boastful)big talk — fanfarronada f
to get too big for one's boots o breeches: he's getting too big for his boots o breeches — se le han subido los humos a la cabeza
7) ( popular) (colloq) (pred) conocido, famososhe's really big in Europe — es muy conocida or famosa en Europa
adverb (colloq)a) ( ambitiously)to think big — ser* ambicioso, planear las cosas a lo grande
b) ( boastfully)to talk big — darse* importancia or ínfulas, fanfarronear
c) ( with great success)the movie went over big in Europe — la película tuvo un gran éxito or (fam) fue un exitazo en Europa
to make it big — tener* un gran éxito
4 big
big [bɪg](a) (in size → car, hat, majority) grand, gros (grosse); (→ crowd, field, room) grand; (→ person) grand, fort;∎ the crowd got bigger la foule a grossi;∎ in big letters en (lettres) majuscules;∎ a big A un A majuscule;∎ to make sth bigger (garment, hole) agrandir;∎ the new wallpaper makes the room look bigger le nouveau papier peint agrandit la pièce;∎ we're not big eaters nous ne sommes pas de gros mangeurs;∎ to earn big money gagner gros;∎ advertising is where the big money is la publicité rapporte gros;∎ figurative he has a big head il a la grosse tête;∎ familiar why did you have to open your big mouth? tu ne pouvais pas la fermer, non?;∎ familiar she's too big for her boots or her breeches elle ne se prend pas pour n'importe qui(b) (in height) grand;∎ to get or to grow bigger grandir;∎ you're a big boy now tu es un grand garçon maintenant;∎ she's big enough to look after herself elle est assez grande pour se défendre∎ my big sister ma grande sœur(d) (as intensifier) grand, énorme;∎ he's just a big bully ce n'est qu'une grosse brute;∎ you're the biggest fool of the lot! c'est toi le plus bête de tous!(e) (important, significant → decision, problem) grand, important; (→ drop, increase) fort, important; (→ mistake) grave;∎ the big day le grand jour;∎ you've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow tu as une journée importante devant toi demain;∎ this is your big scene (of main character) la scène est à toi; (of minor character) c'est ta scène;∎ he's big in publishing, he's a big man in publishing c'est quelqu'un d'important dans l'édition;∎ we're onto something big! nous sommes sur une piste intéressante!;∎ familiar to be into sb/sth big time or in a big way être dingue de qn/qch;∎ familiar he's been doing drugs big time or in a big way depuis quelque temps il arrête pas de se droguer;∎ familiar it's going to cost them big time ça va leur revenir vachement cher;∎ familiar he messed up his driving test big time il s'est planté dans les grandes largeurs au permis;∎ familiar did you have fun? - big time! vous vous êtes bien amusés? - oui, vachement bien!;∎ familiar to be in the big time, to have made the big time être en haut de l'échelle, être le dessus du panier, être arrivé;∎ familiar to hit or to make or to reach the big time arriver, réussir;∎ familiar once they've had a taste of the big time une fois qu'ils ont goûté au succès;∎ familiar big deal! tu parles!;∎ familiar it's no big deal il n'y a pas de quoi en faire un plat!(f) (grandiose) grand;∎ he has very big ideas about the future il a de grands projets d'avenir;∎ don't get any big ideas about doing this yourself ne crois pas que tu vas pouvoir faire ça tout seul;∎ I've got big plans for you j'ai de grands projets pour toi;∎ you really do things in a big way tu ne fais pas les choses à moitié;∎ he went into politics in a big way il est entré dans la politique par la grande porte;∎ they entertain in a big way ils font les choses en grand quand ils reçoivent;∎ big words! ce sont de bien grands mots!(g) (generous) grand, généreux;∎ he has a big heart il a du cœur ou bon cœur;∎ he's a big spender c'est un grand dépensier;∎ ironic you know what he's like, the last of the big spenders! tu le connais, toujours à faire des frais;∎ ironic that's big of you! quelle générosité!∎ Japanese food is really big just now la cuisine japonaise est vraiment à la mode en ce moment∎ to be big on sth être fana de qch;∎ the company is big on research l'entreprise investit beaucoup dans la recherche2 adverb∎ he talks big il se vante, il fanfaronne;∎ to think big voir grand∎ their music goes over or down big with teenagers les adolescents adorent leur musique;∎ they made it big in the pop world ce sont maintenant des stars de la musique pop►► familiar the Big Apple = surnom donné à la ville de New York;Music big band big band m (grand orchestre de jazz typique des années 40-50);British familiar Stock Exchange the Big Bang = déréglementation de la Bourse de Londres en octobre 1986;Astronomy the big bang theory la théorie du big-bang ou big bang;big bank grande banque f, enseigne f bancaire;Big Ben Big Ben;Computing Big Blue = surnom de la société IBM;American Stock Exchange the big board = la Bourse de New York;Big Brother Big Brother;∎ Big Brother is watching you Big Brother vous surveille;Commerce big business (UNCOUNT) les grandes entreprises fpl;Zoology big cat fauve m, grand félin m;the big cats les fauves mpl, les grands félins mpl;familiar figurative big cheese gros bonnet m;big dipper (in fairground) montagnes fpl russes;British formerly Banking the Big Four = les quatre grandes banques anglaises (Lloyds, National Westminster, Barclays, Midland);Hunting big game gros gibier m;American pejorative Politics Big Government = gouvernement interventionniste sur le plan social;familiar figurative big gun gros bonnet m;∎ he's gone to the big house on l'a mis à l'ombre;∎ new product development is all about coming up with a Big Idea le développement de nouveaux produits démarre toujours avec une idée-force;British Press The Big Issue = hebdomadaire vendu au profit des sans-logis par ces derniers, ≃ le Réverbère;American Sport Big League (gen) première division f; (in baseball) = une des deux principales divisions de baseball professionnel aux États-Unis;American University familiar big man on campus = étudiant jouissant d'une certaine popularité grâce à ses exploits sportifs etc;Sport big match grand match m;big name grand nom m;British familiar figurative big noise gros bonnet m;Cinema the big screen le grand écran, le cinéma;familiar figurative big shot gros bonnet m;∎ he thinks he's a real big shot il croit qu'il est vraiment quelqu'un;familiar figurative the big stick le bâton, la force;big stick diplomacy diplomatie f musclée;American Sport the Big Ten = équipes sportives universitaires du Mid West, réputées de très haut niveau;Cars the Big Three = les trois principaux constructeurs automobiles américains (General Motors, Ford, Chrysler);Anatomy big toe gros orteil m;familiar figurative big wheel gros bonnet mⓘ BIG BEN Nom de la cloche de la Tour de l'horloge à Westminster, souvent donné à tort à la tour elle-même. Elle est considérée comme un des monuments principaux de Londres.ⓘ Big brother is watching you Cette formule ("Big Brother vous surveille") est tirée du roman de George Orwell 1984, dans lequel Big Brother personnifie l'état tout-puissant et omniprésent. Le terme "Big Brother" est entré dans la langue pour décrire tout état totalitaire, et l'expression Big Brother is watching you s'utilise souvent sur le mode humoristique à propos d'un gouvernement ou de tout autre forme d'autorité perçus comme impersonnels et envahissants. -
5 ♦ big
♦ big /bɪg/a.1 grande; grosso; voluminoso; vasto: big toe, alluce; a big house, una grande casa; DIALOGO → - Shoes- They're a bit big, mi stanno un po' grandi; He has got a big heart, ha un gran cuore; è generoso; great big, grandissimo; enorme; grande e grosso: He's got great big eyes, ha degli occhi grandissimi; She had curly hair and a great big nose, aveva i capelli ricci e un gran nasone2 (attr.) grande ( d'età); maggiore: You're a big boy now, ormai sei grande; my big brother, il mio fratello maggiore3 importante; notevole; grande; grosso; serio; forte: big news, grosse novità; a big success, un grande successo; a big mistake, un grosso errore; a big decision, una decisione importante; a big landowner, un grosso possidente; the big day, il gran giorno; the Big Four [Five, Six, etc.], i (o le) quattro [cinque, sei, ecc.] Grandi (banche, società, ecc.); a big rise in prices, un forte aumento dei prezzi; a big appetite, un forte appetito; a big eater, un gran mangiatore; a big spender, uno che spende e spande; uno spendaccione; He's very big in showbiz, è molto importante (o è un pezzo grosso) nel mondo dello spettacolo; (iron.) big idea, idea grandiosa; gran progetto; trovata; alzata d'ingegno4 (fam.) ambizioso; grande; grandioso: big plans, progetti ambiziosi; to think big, pensare in grande; fare grandi progetti6 (pred.) (fam., spesso iron.) generoso: That's very big of you!, è molto generoso da parte tua; che generosità!7 (fam.) famoso; molto in voga; di successo● (fam. USA) the Big Apple, New York □ big-ass ► bigass □ the big bad wolf, il lupo cattivo □ (mus.) big band, big band; grande orchestra jazz o da ballo □ (astron.) the big bang, il big bang □ (fin., in GB) the Big Bang, la deregolamentazione e computerizzazione della Borsa Valori di Londra ( il 27 dicembre 1986) □ big-bellied, panciuto; ( di femmina) incinta, gravida □ (in GB) Big Ben, il Big Ben NOTE DI CULTURA: Big Ben: è propriamente il nome della campana della torre del Parlamento a Londra, fusa nel 1856 e così chiamata in onore di Benjamin Hall, allora direttore dei lavori pubblici; ormai il nome viene anche usato per indicare la torre stessa e l'orologio, famoso per la sua accuratezza e per essere usato come segnale orario dalla BBC □ (fin., in USA) the Big Board, il cartellone delle quotazioni ( alla Borsa Valori di New York); la Borsa Valori di New York □ big-boned, di forte ossatura; robusto □ Big Brother, Grande Fratello; dittatore □ (fam. USA) big bucks = big money ► sotto □ (fam.) big bug ► bigwig □ big business, attività commerciale redditizia; ( anche) le grandi società, le grandi imprese, la grande industria □ big cat, grosso felino (leone, tigre, leopardo, ecc.) □ (fam. scherz.) big cheese, pezzo grosso □ (astron.) big crunch, «big crunch» ( collasso della materia con cui avrà fine la vita dell'universo) □ ( slang USA) big daddy, capo; capoccia; boss □ ( slang USA) big deal, roba grossa; pezzo grosso: to make a big deal out of st., fare un sacco di storie per qc.; fare un affare di stato (o un dramma) di qc.; (iron.) Big deal!, sai che roba!; bell'affare!; no big deal, niente di speciale; roba da poco; What's the big deal?, e con ciò?; embè? □ (GB) big dipper, (le) montagne russe ( nei luna park) □ (astron., USA) the Big Dipper, l'Orsa Maggiore □ (mecc.) big end, testa ( di pistone) □ (fam. USA) the Big Easy, New Orleans □ big game, le grosse fiere ( come preda di caccia): big-game hunting, caccia grossa □ (fam.) big girl's blouse, smidollato; femminuccia □ ( USA) big government, governo (o Stato) troppo assistenziale; Stato troppo invadente; statalismo □ (fam. USA) big gun, pezzo grosso; persona influente □ big hair, pettinatura cotonata; testa cotonata □ (fam.) big-head, tipo presuntuoso; tipo spocchioso □ (fam.) big-headed, presuntuoso; spocchioso □ big-hearted, generoso; buono □ (fam.) big-hitter, ( persona) pezzo grosso; big; ( cosa) hit; successo □ the big house, la casa più importante (di un villaggio, un circondario); la casa dei signori □ ( USA) the big league, ( baseball) la serie A; (fig. fam.) i grandi, i campioni □ (fam. USA) big-league (agg.), grosso; importante; serio □ (fam.) big money, somme enormi; un sacco di soldi; soldi a palate: This is where the big money is, qui si fanno un sacco di soldi □ (fam.) big-mouth, uno che parla troppo o a sproposito; chiacchierone; lingua lunga □ (fam.) big-mouthed, chiacchierone; che ha la lingua lunga; che non sa tenere la lingua a posto □ (fam.) big name, persona famosa; grosso nome □ (fam.) big noise = big shot ► sotto □ ( slang USA) a big one, (un biglietto da) mille dollari □ ( USA) the big one, il grande evento; il grande momento; il gran giorno; ‘quello grosso’ (uragano, terremoto, ecc.) □ the big screen, il grande schermo; il cinema □ (fam.) big science, la grande ricerca scientifica □ (fam.) big shot, pezzo grosso; persona influente □ (fam.) big-shot (agg.), importante; influente; grosso □ (fin., stor.) the big slump, il tracollo ( della Borsa Valori) di Wall Street ( nel 1929) □ (fam. GB) the Big Smoke, Londra □ (fam.) the big stick, la maniera forte; l'uso della forza; il bastone □ (fam. USA) big talk, promesse vuote; millanterie; vanterie; spacconate □ (polit.) big-tent party, partito che riunisce diverse ideologie e punti di vista eterogenei □ (fam. USA) big-ticket (agg.), costoso; caro □ ( slang) the big time, l'apice di una professione, una carriera, un'attività; ( per estens.) il successo, la fama: to hit (o to make it to) the big time, arrivare al successo; sfondare □ ( slang) big-time (agg.), molto importante; grosso; di alto livello □ ( slang) big time (avv.), molto; alla grande (fam.): You've screwed it up big time!, hai fatto proprio un gran casino □ ( slang) big-timer, personaggio di primo piano; pezzo grosso; peso massimo □ the big top, il tendone ( del circo) □ (bot., USA) big tree ( Sequoiadendron giganteum), sequoia gigante □ big wheel, ruota gigante ( di luna park); ( slang) pezzo grosso □ to get (o to grow) big (o bigger), ingrossare; ingrandire; ingrassare; crescere □ (fam.) to go over big, avere successo; andare forte □ (fam.) in a big way, moltissimo; enormemente; alla grande (fam.): They do a lot of entertaining in a big way, ricevono moltissimo; danno un sacco di ricevimenti □ (fam.) to make it big, avere un gran successo; sfondare □ (fam.) to talk big, vantarsi; fare lo sbruffone; spararle grosse □ too big for one's boots (o, antiq., breeches; USA pants), che si dà un sacco d'arie; che si è montato la testa; presuntuoso.NOTA D'USO: - big, grand, great o large?- -
6 big
big [bɪg]1. adjective• a big boy/girl un grand garçon/une grande fille2. adverb3. compounds• tourism is big business here le tourisme rapporte beaucoup d'argent par ici ► big cat noun grand félin m• he's a big name in politics c'est un grand nom de la politique ► big shot (inf) noun grand ponte (inf) m[athlete, industrialist] de première catégorie* * *[bɪg]to get big(ger) — ( taller) grandir; ( fatter) grossir; ( in pregnancy) s'arrondir
2) ( in size) [bed, room, building, garden, lake, town] grand (before n); [animal, car, boat, parcel, box] gros/grosse (before n), grand (before n)a big book — ( thick) un gros livre; ( large-format) un grand livre
3) ( in age) grand (before n)his big brother — son grand frère, son frère aîné
4) ( in extent) [family, crowd, class, party] grand (before n); [collection, organization, company] gros/grosse (before n), grand (before n); [meal] copieux/-ieuse5) ( important) [question, problem, decision, change, moment, event] grand (before n)I think we're on to something big — (colloq) je sens qu'on est sur un gros coup (colloq)
6) ( emphatic)to be big in the music business — (colloq) être très connu dans le monde de la musique
7) (colloq) US ( enthusiastic)to be big on — être fanatique or fana (colloq) de [activity]
8) ( generous) [person] généreux/-euse9) gen, Politicsthe Big Four/Five — les Quatre/Cinq Grands
••to be ou go over big — (colloq) faire fureur, faire un tabac (colloq) (in à, en)
to have a big head — péj avoir la grosse tête (colloq)
why can't you keep your big mouth shut? — (colloq) tu n'aurais pas pu la fermer? (colloq)
to have big ideas, think big — (colloq) voir grand (colloq)
to make it big — (colloq) avoir beaucoup de succès
7 big
1. adjective1) (in size) groß; schwer, heftig [Explosion, Zusammenstoß]; schwer [Unfall, Niederlage]; hart [Konkurrenz]; reichlich [Mahlzeit]he is a big man/she is a big woman — (fat) er/sie ist wohlbeleibt
big words — geschraubte Ausdrücke ( see also academic.ru/39605/g">g)
in a big way — (coll.) im großen Stil
2) (of largest size, larger than usual) groß [Appetit, Zehe, Buchstabe]he is the biggest liar/idiot — er ist der größte Lügner/Idiot
4) (grown up, elder) groß5) (important) groß; wichtig [Nachricht, Entscheidung]6) (coll.): (outstanding) groß [Augenblick, Chance]7) (boastful)get or grow/be too big for one's boots — (coll.) größenwahnsinnig werden/sein (ugs.)
big talk — Großsprecherei, die
9) (coll.): (popular)2. adverbbe big — [Schauspieler, Popstar:] gut ankommen. See also idea 4)
talk big — (coll.) groß daherreden (ugs.)
•• Cultural note:think big — (coll.) im großen Stil planen
Eine Zeitung, die von Obdachlosen in vielen größeren und kleineren Städten in Großbritannien verkauft wird. Die Artikel haben oft ein sehr gutes Niveau, sie behandeln hauptsächlich soziale Themen oder Aspekte der Stadtkultur. Die Verkäufer kaufen die Zeitungen von einer zentralen Stelle und verkaufen sie zu einem festgelegten Preis. Den Gewinn dürfen sie behalten* * *[biɡ]1) (large in size: a big car.) groß2) (important: a big event.) bedeutend•- big game* * *<- gg->[bɪg]1. (of size, amount) großthe \bigger the better je größer desto besserto receive a \big boost starken Auftrieb erhaltena \big drop in prices ein starker Preisrückgang\big eater ( fam) großer Esser/große Esserin\big meal üppiges Mahl\big screen [Groß]leinwand fto be a \big spender ( fam) auf großem Fuß leben\big stake hoher Spieleinsatz\big tip großzügiges Trinkgeld\big toe großer Zeh\big turnout großes Zuschaueraufgebotthe \biggest-ever... der/die/das Größte... aller Zeiten2. (of maturity) groß, erwachsen\big boy/girl großer Junge/großes Mädchen\big brother/sister großer Bruder/große Schwester\big enough groß [o alt] genug3. (significant) bedeutend, wichtigshe's \big in marketing sie ist ganz groß im Bereich Marketing vertreten\big-budget film Film m mit großem Budget\big day großer [o bedeutender] Tag\big decision schwerwiegende Entscheidung\big words ( fam) große Wortehe fell for her in a \big way er verliebte sich bis über beide Ohren in siethat was very \big of you das war aber nobel von dir6.▶ to be/get too \big for one's boots ( pej fam: craving for admiration) größenwahnsinnig sein/werden; (feeling superior) eingebildet sein/werden▶ the \big boys die Großen▶ to have \bigger fish to fry Wichtigeres zu tun haben* * *[bɪg]1. adj (+er)a big man — ein großer, schwerer Mann
you big girl's blouse! ( Brit inf ) — du Angsthase! (inf)
big with child/young — hochschwanger/trächtig
you're big enough to know better — du bist groß or alt genug und solltest es besser wissen
3) (= important) groß, wichtigthe Big Four/Five — die Großen Vier/Fünf
to be big in publishing/plastics (inf) — eine Größe im Verlagswesen/der Plastikproduktion sein
4) (= great) cheat, bully, liar groß5)big talker — Angeber m (inf),, eingebildeter Schwätzer
he's getting too big for his boots ( inf, child ) — er wird ein bisschen zu aufmüpfig (inf); (employee) er wird langsam größenwahnsinnig
few people have a heart as big as his — es sind nur wenige so großzügig/großmütig wie er
he was big enough to admit he was wrong — er hatte die Größe zuzugeben, dass er unrecht hatte
that's really big of you (iro) — wirklich nobel von dir (iro)
7) (inf: fashionable) in (inf)8)(fig phrases)
to earn big money — das große Geld verdienen (inf)to have big ideas — große Pläne haben, Rosinen im Kopf haben (pej inf)
to do things in a big way —
to live in a big way — auf großem Fuß or in großem Stil leben
what's the big hurry? — warum denn so eilig?
2. advto talk big — groß daherreden (inf), große Töne spucken (inf)
to act big — sich aufspielen, großtun
to think big —
to go over or down big (inf) — ganz groß ankommen (inf), großen Anklang finden (with bei)
to make it big (as a singer/actor) — (als Sänger(in)/Schauspieler(in)) ganz groß rauskommen (inf)
* * *big [bıɡ]A adj1. allg groß (Garten, Mehrheit etc):the biggest party die stärkste Partei;the win might have been bigger SPORT der Sieg hätte höher ausfallen können;he comes from a big family er stammt aus einer kinderreichen Familie;earn big money umg das große Geld verdienen;there’s big money in tennis umg im Tennis gibt es das große Geld zu verdienen;he’s got a big mouth er plaudert (immer) alles gleich aus, er kann nichts für sich behalten; → band1 A 2, buck2, wolf A 1, etc2. groß, weit:this coat is too big for me dieser Mantel ist mir zu groß3. groß, hoch (Baum etc)4. groß, erwachsen:he’s big enough er ist groß oder alt genugbig with fate schicksalsschwer, -schwanger;big with rage wutentbranntb) ausgiebig, reichlich (Mahlzeit):have a big breakfast ausgiebig frühstücken7. umg aufgeblasen pej, eingebildet:have big ideas große Rosinen im Kopf haben;what’s the big idea? was soll denn das?;what’s the big idea of shouting at me? umg kannst du mir mal sagen, warum du mich anschreist?;8. voll, laut (Stimme)9. umga) groß, hoch, hochstehend, wichtig, bedeutend:make it big es zu etwas bringen;he thinks he’s Mr Big er hält sich für etwas Besseresb) sehr populärof von):11. groß, Mords… umg:a big rascal ein Erzgauner;a big eater ein starker EsserB adv umg1. groß:come over big groß ankommen;think big im großen Stil planen2. großspurig:act big den starken Mann markieren;talk big große Töne spucken* * *1. adjective1) (in size) groß; schwer, heftig [Explosion, Zusammenstoß]; schwer [Unfall, Niederlage]; hart [Konkurrenz]; reichlich [Mahlzeit]he is a big man/she is a big woman — (fat) er/sie ist wohlbeleibt
in a big way — (coll.) im großen Stil
2) (of largest size, larger than usual) groß [Appetit, Zehe, Buchstabe]he is the biggest liar/idiot — er ist der größte Lügner/Idiot
4) (grown up, elder) groß5) (important) groß; wichtig [Nachricht, Entscheidung]6) (coll.): (outstanding) groß [Augenblick, Chance]7) (boastful)get or grow/be too big for one's boots — (coll.) größenwahnsinnig werden/sein (ugs.)
big talk — Großsprecherei, die
9) (coll.): (popular)2. adverbtalk big — (coll.) groß daherreden (ugs.)
•• Cultural note:think big — (coll.) im großen Stil planen
Eine Zeitung, die von Obdachlosen in vielen größeren und kleineren Städten in Großbritannien verkauft wird. Die Artikel haben oft ein sehr gutes Niveau, sie behandeln hauptsächlich soziale Themen oder Aspekte der Stadtkultur. Die Verkäufer kaufen die Zeitungen von einer zentralen Stelle und verkaufen sie zu einem festgelegten Preis. Den Gewinn dürfen sie behalten* * *adj.groß adj.schwer adj.wichtig adj. -
8 big
biɡ1) (large in size: a big car.) stor, kraftig2) (important: a big event.) stor, viktig•- big gamestor--------svær--------viktig--------voksenIadj. \/bɪɡ\/1) stor, diger, kraftig, storvokst, med stort volumhan så ut som en stor, sterk bjørn2) ( forsterkende) stor, super-• you big idiot!3) stor, viktig4) (til\/om barn) voksen, stor5) ( hverdagslig) viktig, overlegenbe too big for one's boots\/breeches\/pants ( hverdagslig) se ➢ bootscarry the big stick ( hverdagslig) vise sin makt, svinge piskenhave a big heart ha et stort og varmt hjertein a big way fullt og helt, fullstendig, uten begrensningerlive in a big way leve på en stor fotMr.\/Mrs. Big selveste sjefen, han\/hun som betyr noethat's big of you ( også ironisk) det var storsinnet av deg, det var ikke mye imponerendethe Big Issue ( britisk og irsk) tidsskrift produsert og solgt av hjemløseIIadv. \/bɪɡ\/ ( hverdagslig)1) svært, veldig, stort2) viktig, overlegengo over big slå an, gjøre (veldig) lykkemake big lykkes, ha suksess -
9 girl
noun1) Mädchen, das; (teenager) junges Mädchen; ([young] woman) Frau, die; (daughter) Mädchen, das (ugs.); Tochter, diegirls' school — Mädchenschule, die
[my] girl — (as address) [mein] Mädchen
the girl at the cash-desk/switchboard — die Kassiererin/Telefonistin
* * *[ɡə:l]1) (a female child: Her new baby is a girl.) das Mädchen2) (a young usually unmarried woman.) das Mädchen•- academic.ru/31203/girlish">girlish- girl-friend
- Girl Guide* * *[gɜ:l, AM gɜ:rl]n3. (girlfriend)my \girl meine Freundinmum says she's going out with the \girls tonight Mama möchte heute Abend mit ihren Freundinnen ausgehen* * *[gɜːl]n1) Mädchen nt; (= daughter) Tochter f; (= girlfriend) Freundin fthey are hoping for a little girl — sie wünschen sich (dat) ein Töchterchen
the Smith girls — die Smith-Mädchen, die Mädchen von den Smiths
my eldest girl — meine älteste Tochter, meine Älteste
I'm going out with the girls tonight —
See:→ bigSee:→ blouse* * *A s1. Mädchen n:a German girl eine junge Deutsche;girl’s name weiblicher Vorname, Mädchenname m;from a girl von Kindheit an2. umg Tochter f:a) die Töchter des Hauses,b) die Damen3. (Dienst)Mädchen n4. umg Mädchen n (Freundin eines Jungen)B adj weiblich, Mädchen…* * *noun1) Mädchen, das; (teenager) junges Mädchen; ([young] woman) Frau, die; (daughter) Mädchen, das (ugs.); Tochter, diegirls' school — Mädchenschule, die
[my] girl — (as address) [mein] Mädchen
the girls — (female friends) meine/ihre usw. Freundinnen
the girl at the cash-desk/switchboard — die Kassiererin/Telefonistin
* * *n.Mädchen - n.Mädel -s n.kleines Mädchen n. -
10 big
I [bɪg] 1. прил.1) большой, крупный- big boreSyn:2) высокий; широкий3) громкий4) взрослый- big boy- big brother
- big girl
- big sister5) прописной, заглавный ( о букве)6) беременная на последних месяцах, на сносяхShe is big with child. — Она на сносях. / Она вот-вот родит.
Syn:7) = big with раздутый; наполненный8) важный, значительный- big labor
- look big
- go big9) хвастливыйbig mouth — амер. хвастливый болтун
10) великодушный, благородныйSyn:11) находящийся в тёплых, хороших отношенияхMy actually seeing God would put me in big with Father Gilligan. — Если бы я своими глазами увидел Господа Бога, то влюбился бы в отца Гиллигана как в родного.
•- big business
- big stick
- big brass
- big bug
- big end
- big money
- big endian
- big smoke
- big print
- big C 2. нареч.; разг.to go over big with smb. — иметь большой успех у кого-л., очень нравиться кому-л.
This book went over big with my 10 year old grandson. — Эта книга очень понравилась моему десятилетнему внуку.
2) хвастливо3)а) широкоб) крупно, многоInvestors have lost big in recent months. — Инвесторы понесли в последние месяцы большие убытки.
в) сильноII [bɪg] сущ.; амер.; спорт.( the bigs) высшая лигаIII [bɪg] = bigg -
11 big
1) (of size, amount) groß;the \bigger the better je größer desto besser;to receive a \big boost starken Auftrieb erhalten;a \big drop in prices ein starker Preisrückgang;\big eater ( fam) großer Esser/große Esserin;\big meal üppiges Mahl;\big screen [Groß]leinwand f;to be a \big spender ( fam) auf großem Fuß leben;\big stake hoher Spieleinsatz;\big tip großzügiges Trinkgeld;\big toe großer Zeh;\big turnout großes Zuschaueraufgebot;the \biggest-ever... der/die/das Größte... aller Zeiten2) ( of maturity) groß, erwachsen;\big boy/ girl großer Junge/großes Mädchen;\big brother/ sister großer Bruder/große Schwester;\big enough groß [o alt] genug3) ( significant) bedeutend, wichtig;she's \big in marketing sie ist ganz groß im Bereich Marketing vertreten;\big-budget film Film m mit großem Budget;\big day großer [o bedeutender] Tag;\big decision schwerwiegende Entscheidung;\big words ( fam) große Worte( on a large scale) in großem Stil;he fell for her in a \big way er verliebte sich bis über beide Ohren in sie;that was very \big of you das war aber nobel von dirPHRASES:to be/get too \big for one's boots;(pej fam: craving for admiration) größenwahnsinnig sein/werden;( feeling superior) eingebildet sein/werden;the \big boys die Großen;no \big deal ( fam) nicht der Rede wert;sb's eyes are \bigger than their stomach jds Augen sind größer als sein Magen;to have \bigger fish to fry Wichtigeres zu tun haben;to give sb a \big hand ( fam) jdm begeistert Applaus spenden; -
12 be too big for one's boots
разг.(be (get или grow) too big for one's boots (breeches, амер. britches; shoes или trousers, амер. pants))зазнаваться, важничать, быть слишком высокого мнения о себе; ≈ задирать нос‘What she is really doing is making you all too big for your britches,’ said Grace. (J. O'Hara, ‘A Rage to Live’, book IV) — - В действительности же мисс Такерман воспитывает в вас всех самонадеянность, - сказала Грейс.
Don't get too big for your boots, my girl, because I won't stand for it. (P. H. Johnson, ‘The Humbler Creation’, ch. 45) — Ты слишком много себе позволяешь, моя дорогая. Я этого не потерплю.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > be too big for one's boots
13 stor
big, extreme, great, hearty, large, major, mansize(d), real, substantial, wide* * *adjcar, country, family, house, number, profit, sum);( især om noget ikke måleligt) great ( fx joy, difficulty, event, loss, disappointment, speed; poet, coward; Alexander the Great; Rubens' great, both literally and metaphorically, canvases);(især T; udtrykker ofte at man er imponeret af størrelsen) big ( fx car, dog, house, mistake, surprise, swindle; what a big cigar; don't cry, Joan, you're a big girl now, you know),( især barnesprog) great big ( fx dog, house, tree);( om hvad der kan opgøres i tal ofte) heavy ( fx bill, casualities, gains, increases, losses, reductions, unemployment);( høj) tall ( fx man, tree);( om bogstav) capital ( fx a capital A; he is Conservative with a capital(el. big) C);[ når du bliver stor] when you are a big boy (, girl),(dvs voksen) when you grow up;[ hvor han er blevet stor!] how he has grown![en check stor £10] a cheque for £10;[ ih du store!] good Heavens! Great Scott! gosh![ store og små] great and small;[ så stor som] as big as, the size of;[ dobbelt så stor som han] twice his size;(se også III. lige);[ med sb:][ stor appetit] a good (el. hearty) appetite;[ det var en stor dag for ham] it was a great day for him; it was his big day;[ han havde en af sine store dage] he had a field day;[ det store flertal] the great majority, the greater part;[ stor oktav] great (el. double) octave;[ store penge] big money;[ det store publikum] the general public;[ denne verdens store] the great ones of the earth;[ gøre store øjne] open one's eyes wide,( stirre) stare;[ med præp:][ i det store og hele] on the whole, by and large;[ stor i slaget], se slag;[ skrive med stort], se skrive;[ stor på den] high and mighty;[ han er ved at blive lidt for stor på den] he is getting above himself;[ spille stor på den over for en] come it over somebody;[ til min store glæde (, beklagelse, ærgrelse)] to my great regret (, delight, annoyance), much to my regret (, delight, annoyance). -
14 fille
fille [fij]1. feminine nounb. ( = enfant) girl ; ( = femme) woman• c'est une grande/petite fille she's a big/little girlc. ( = prostituée) (old-fashioned) whore2. compounds* * *fij1) ( descendante) daughterma fille — gén my girl; Religion my child; superstition
2) ( jeune femme) girl•Phrasal Verbs:••jouer les filles de l'air — (colloq) to vanish into thin air
la plus belle fille du monde ne peut donner que ce qu'elle a — with the best will in the world one can only go so far
* * *fij nf1) girlC'est une école de filles. — It's a girls' school.
vieille fille — old maid, spinster
2) (enfant de sexe féminin) daughterC'est leur fille aînée. — She's their oldest daughter.
* * *fille nf1 ( descendante) daughter; fille adoptive adopted daughter; la fille des Dupont the Duponts' daughter; fille de paysans/d'immigrés daughter of peasants/of immigrants; de mère en fille from mother to daughter; elle a eu une petite fille she's had a little girl; ma fille gén my girl; Relig my child; ⇒ superstition;2 ( jeune femme) girl; une petite/grande fille a little/big girl; elle fait encore très petite fille she's still very much a little girl; faire fille to look girlish; être habillé en fille to be dressed like a girl; vêtements/jeux pour filles girls' clothes/games; école de filles girls' school; elle n'est pas fille à s'en faire she isn't one to worry; elle est restée fille† ( célibataire) she remained a spinster; ⇒ jeune, vieux;3 †( prostituée) prostitute.fille de (bonne) famille girl from a good family; fille d'Ève daughter of Eve; fille de ferme farm girl; fille de joie† prostitute; fille à matelots† sailors' moll; fille mère unmarried mother; fille perdue† fallen woman†; fille publique†, fille des rues† streetwalker; fille à soldats† soldiers' moll; fille soumise† prostitute; fille spirituelle spiritual heir.jouer les filles de l'air○ to vanish into thin air; c'est bien la fille de son père/sa mère she's very much her father's/her mother's daughter; la plus belle fille du monde ne peut donner que ce qu'elle a with the best will in the world one can only go so far.[fij] nom féminin1. [enfant] girlc'est une belle/gentille fille she's a good-looking/nice girl2. [jeune fille] girl[femme] woman3. [descendante] daughter4. [en appellatif]5. (vieilli) [employée]7. HISTOIRE -
15 dziewczynka
- ki; -ki; dat sg -ce; gen pl; -ek; f* * *f.Gen.pl. -ek1. (= dziecko płci żeńskiej) girl; jesteś już dużą dziewczynką you're a big girl now.2. żart. (= kobieta) young woman; ładna z ciebie dziewczynka you're a pretty woman.3. pot. (= kobieta lekkich obyczajów) slut; iść l. chodzić na dziewczynki (= korzystać z usług prostytutek) whore; = iść na podryw go on a skirt chasing expedition, go girl-hunting.The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > dziewczynka
16 grand
grand, e [gʀɑ̃, gʀɑ̃d]1. adjectivea. ( = de haute taille) tall• quand il sera grand [enfant] when he grows up• tu es grand/grande maintenant you're a big boy/girl nowd. (en nombre, en quantité) [vitesse, poids, valeur, puissance] great ; [nombre, quantité] large ; [famille] large, bige. ( = intense) [bruit, cri] loud ; [froid, chaleur] intense ; [vent] strong ; [danger, plaisir, pauvreté] greatf. ( = riche, puissant) [pays, firme, banquier, industriel] leadingg. ( = important) great ; [ville, travail] big• je t'annonce une grande nouvelle ! I've got some great news!h. ( = principal) main• la grande difficulté consiste à... the main difficulty lies in...i. (intensif) [travailleur, collectionneur, ami, rêveur] great ; [buveur, fumeur] heavy ; [mangeur] bigj. ( = remarquable) greatk. ( = de gala) [réception, dîner] grandl. ( = noble) [âme] noble ; [pensée, principe] loftym. ( = exagéré) faire de grandes phrases to voice high-flown sentimentsn. ( = beaucoup de) cela te fera (le plus) grand bien it'll do you the world of good• grand bien vous fasse ! much good may it do you!2. adverb3. masculine nouna. ( = élève) senior boyb. (terme d'affection) viens, mon grand come here, sonc. ( = personne puissante) les grands de ce monde men in high places4. feminine nouna. ( = élève) senior girl5. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━The grandes écoles are competitive-entrance higher education establishments where engineering, business administration and other subjects are taught to a very high standard. The most prestigious include « l'École Polytechnique » (engineering), the three « Écoles normales supérieures » (arts and sciences), « l'ÉNA » (the civil service college), and « HEC » (business administration).Pupils prepare for entrance to the grandes écoles after their « baccalauréat » in two years of « classes préparatoires ». → CLASSES PRÉPARATOIRES CONCOURS ÉCOLE NATIONALE D'ADMINISTRATION* * *
grande gʀɑ̃, gʀɑ̃d adjectif1) ( de dimensions importantes) ( en hauteur) tall; (en longueur, durée) long; ( en largeur) wide; (en étendue, volume) big2) (nombreux, abondant) large, biglaver à grande eau — to wash [something] in plenty of running water [légumes]; to wash [something] down [sol]
3) ( à un degré élevé) [rêveur, collectionneur, ami] great; [tricheur, joueur] big; [buveur, fumeur] heavy4) ( important) [découverte, expédition, nouvelle] great; [date] important; [rôle] major; [problème, décision] bigla grande majorité — the great ou vast majority
5) ( principal) main6) ( de premier plan) [société, marque] leading7) (brillant, remarquable) [peintre, vin, cause] great; [cœur, âme] nobleLouis le Grand — Louis the Great; esprit
les grandes classes — École the senior forms GB, the upper classes US
9) ( qualifiant une mesure) [hauteur, longueur, distance, valeur] great; [pointure, quantité, étendue] large; [vitesse] high10) (extrême, fort) [bonté, amitié, danger, intérêt] great; [bruit] loud; [froid] severe; [chaleur] intense; [vent] strong, high; [tempête] big, violentà grands cris — loudly; cas, remède
11) ( de rang social élevé) [famille, nom] great12) ( grandiose) [réception, projet] grand13) ( emphatique) [mot] big; [phrase] high-soundinget voilà, tout de suite les grands mots — there you go, straight off the deep end
adverbe wideouvrir grand ses oreilles — fig to prick up one's ears
nom masculinles cinq grands — Politique the Big Five
en grand locution adverbialePhrasal Verbs:* * *ɡʀɑ̃, ɡʀɑ̃d grand, -e1. adj1) (= de haute taille) tallIl est grand pour son âge. — He's tall for his age.
2) (= aîné)C'est sa grande sœur. — She's his big sister.
3) (= adulte)Il est assez grand pour... — He's old enough to...
4) (= gros, vaste, large) big, large5) (importance, stature) greatC'est un grand ami à moi. — He's a great friend of mine.
les grandes lignes CHEMINS DE FER — the main lines
6) (ampleur, degré)les grands blessés; Les grands blessés ont été emmenés à l'hôpital en hélicoptère. — The severely injured were taken to hospital by helicopter.
7) (intensif)Ça te fera beaucoup de bien d'être au grand air. — It'll be very good for you to be out in the open air.
2. adv3. nm/f1) (= élève, enfant) big boy, big girlIl est chez les grands maintenant. — He's in the senior school now.
C'est une grande, elle peut y aller seule. — She's a big girl now, she can go on her own.
2) (= personnage)4. nm* * *A adj1 ( de dimensions importantes) ( en hauteur) [personne, arbre, tour, cierge] tall; (en longueur, durée) [bras, enjambée, promenade, voyage] long; ( en largeur) [angle, marge] wide; (en étendue, volume) [lac, ville, salle, trou, édifice, paquet] large, big; [tas, feu] big; ( démesuré) [pied, nez, bouche] big; un homme (très) grand a (very) tall man; un grand homme brun, un homme grand et brun a tall dark man; plus grand que nature larger than life; ouvrir de grands yeux to open one's eyes wide;2 (nombreux, abondant) [famille, foule] large, big; [fortune] large; grande braderie big sale; pas grand monde not many people; faire de grandes dépenses to spend a lot of money; il fait grand jour it's broad daylight; laver à grande eau to wash [sth] in plenty of running water [légumes]; to wash [sth] down [sol]; à grand renfort de publicité with much publicity;3 ( à un degré élevé) [rêveur, collectionneur, travailleur, ami, ennemi, pécheur] great; [tricheur, joueur, lâcheur, idiot] big; [buveur, fumeur] heavy; grand amateur de ballet great ballet lover; c'est un grand timide he's very shy; les grands malades very sick people; c'est un grand cardiaque he has a serious heart condition;4 ( important) [découverte, migration, expédition, événement, nouvelle, honneur] great; [date] important; [rôle] major; [problème, décision] big; ( principal) main; c'est un grand jour pour elle it's a big day for her; une grande partie de la maison a large part of the house; une grande partie des habitants many of the inhabitants; la grande majorité the great ou vast majority; ⇒ scène;5 ( principal) main; le grand escalier the main staircase; le grand problème/obstacle the main ou major problem/obstacle; les grands axes routiers the main ou trunk GB roads; les grands points du discours the main points of the speech; les grandes lignes d'une politique the broad lines of a policy;6 ( de premier plan) Écon, Pol [pays, société, industriel, marque] leading; les grandes industries the big industries;7 (brillant, remarquable) [peintre, œuvre, civilisation, vin, cause] great; [cœur, âme] noble; c'est un grand homme he's a great man; les grands écrivains great authors; un grand nom de la musique a great musician; un grand monsieur du théâtre a great gentleman of the stage; Louis/Pierre le Grand Louis/Peter the Great; les grands noms du cinéma/de la littérature indienne the big names of the cinema/of Indian literature; de grande classe [produit] high-class; [exploit] admirable; ⇒ esprit;8 ( âgé) [frère, sœur] elder; [élève] senior GB, older; ( adulte) grown-up; mon grand frère my elder brother; les grandes classes Scol the senior forms GB, the upper classes US; quand il sera grand when he grows up; mes enfants sont grands my children are quite old; une grande fille comme toi! a big girl like you!; 12 ans! tu es assez grand pour te débrouiller 12 years old! you're old enough to cope;9 ( qualifiant une mesure) [hauteur, longueur, distance, poids, valeur, âge] great; [dimensions, taille, pointure, quantité, nombre, étendue] large; [vitesse] high; [kilomètre, mois, heure] good; il est grand temps que tu partes it's high time you were off ou you went;10 (intense, extrême, fort) [bonté, lâcheté, pauvreté, amitié, chagrin, faim, danger, différence, intérêt] great; [bruit] great, loud; [froid] severe; [chaleur] intense; [vent] strong, high; [tempête] big, violent; avec grand plaisir with great ou much pleasure; dans le plus grand secret in great secrecy; d'une grande bêtise/timidité very ou extremely stupid/shy; à ma grande honte/surprise much to my shame/surprise; sans grand espoir/enthousiasme without much hope/enthusiasm; sans grande importance not very important; il n'y a pas grand mal à cela/à faire there isn't much harm in that/in doing; avoir grand faim/soif to be very hungry/thirsty; avoir grand besoin de to be badly in need of; ça te ferait le plus grand bien it would do you a world of good; à grands cris loudly; ⇒ cas, remède;11 ( de rang social élevé) [famille, nom] great; grande dame great lady; la grande bourgeoisie the upper middle class;12 ( grandiose) [réception] grand; grands projets grand designs; avoir grande allure, avoir grand air to look very impressive;13 ( emphatique) [mot] big; [phrase] high-sounding; un grand merci a big thank you; faire de grands gestes to wave one's arms about; et voilà, tout de suite les grands mots there you go, straight off the deep end.B nm,f1 ( enfant) big boy/girl; Scol senior GB ou older pupil; il a fait ça tout seul comme un grand he did it all by himself like a big boy; il fait le ménage comme un grand he does the housework like a grown-up; pour les grands et les petits for old and young alike;C adv wide; ouvrir grand la bouche to open one's mouth wide; ouvrir tout grand les bras to throw one's arms open; les fenêtres sont grand(es) ouvertes the windows are wide open; ouvrir la porte toute grande to open the door wide; ouvrir grand ses oreilles fig to prick up one's ears; ouvrir tout grand son cœur fig to open one's heart; les bottes chaussent grand the boots are large-fitting; leurs vêtements taillent grand their clothes are cut on the large side; voir grand fig to think big.D nm ( pays) big power; ( entreprise) leader, big name; les grands de ce monde the great and the good; Pol the world's leaders; les cinq grands Pol the Big Five; les grands de l'automobile the top car manufacturers; c'est un grand de la publicité he's big in advertising.E en grand loc adv [ouvrir] wide, completely; faire de l'élevage en grand to breed animals on a large scale; quand ils reçoivent, ils font les choses en grand when they entertain they do things on the grand scale or they really go to town○.grand argentier Hist royal treasurer; hum keeper of the nation's purse, Finance minister; le grand art alchemy; grand banditisme organized crime; grand bassin ( de piscine) main pool; Anat upper pelvis; grand cacatois main royal sail; grand caniche standard poodle; le grand capital Écon big money, big investors pl; grand commis de l'État top civil servant; grand coq de bruyère capercaillie; grand corbeau raven; grand couturier couturier; grand débutant absolute beginner; grand duc Zool eagle owl; grand écart Danse, Sport splits (sg); faire le grand écart to do the splits; le grand écran the big screen; grand électeur ( en France) elector who votes in the elections for the French Senate; ( aux États-Unis) presidential elector; grand ensemble high-density housing complex; la vie dans les grands ensembles high-rise living; grand d'Espagne Spanish grandee; grand foc outer jib; grand frais Météo moderate gale; grand hunier main topsail; grand hunier fixe lower main topsail; grand hunier volant upper main topsail; grand invalide civil, GIC civilian who is registered severely disabled; grand invalide de guerre, GIG Prot Soc ex-serviceman who is registered severely disabled; le grand large Naut the high seas (pl); grand magasin Comm department store; grand maître ( aux échecs) grand master; grand maître de l'ordre des Templiers Hist Grand Master of the Knights Templar; grand mât Naut mainmast; le grand monde high society; le Grand Nord Géog the Far North; Grand Œuvre Great Work; grand officier de la Légion d'Honneur high-ranking officer of the Legion of HonourGB; le Grand Orient the Grand Lodge of France; grand panda giant panda; Grand Pardon Day of Atonement; grand patron Méd senior consultant GB, head doctor US; grand perroquet Naut main topgallant sail; grand prêtre Relig, fig high priest; grand prix Courses Aut, Sport grand prix; le grand public the general public; Comm produit grand public consumer product; grand quart Naut six-hour watch; Grand quartier général, GQG Mil General Headquarters, GHQ; grand quotidien Presse big national daily; grand roque Jeux ( aux échecs) castling long; le Grand Siècle Hist the 17th century (in France); grand teint colourfastGB; grand tétras capercaillie; grand tourisme Courses Aut, Aut GT, gran turismo; le Grand Turc the Sultan; grand veneur Chasse master of the hounds; grande Armée Hist Grande Armée (Napoleon's army); grande Baie Australienne Géog Great Australian Bight; la grande banlieue the outer suburbs (pl); Grande Barrière (de Corail) Géog Great Barrier Reef; la grande bleue the sea; la grande cuisine Culin haute cuisine; grande distribution Écon volume retailing; grand école higher education institution; la Grande Guerre Hist the First World War; grande gueule○ loud mouth○; grande hune Naut maintop; la grande muette the army; la grande muraille de Chine Géog the Great Wall of China; grande personne grown-up, adult; la grande presse Presse the popular dailies (pl); grande puissance Pol superpower; grande roue ( de foire) big wheel GB, Ferris wheel US; grande série Comm mass production; fabriqué en grande série mass-produced; grande surface Comm supermarket; grandes eaux fountains; fig ( pleurs) waterworks; dès qu'on la gronde, ce sont les grandes eaux the minute you tell her off, she turns on the waterworks; grandes lignes Rail main train routes; grandes marées spring tides; grandes ondes Radio long wave (sg); Grandes Plaines Géog Great Plains; les grands blessés the seriously injured; grands corps de l'État Admin senior branches of the civil service; grands espaces Écol open spaces; grands fauves Zool big cats; grands fonds Naut ocean depths; les grands froids the cold of winter; Grands Lacs Géog Great Lakes; grands singes Zool great apes; ⇒ école, voyage.ⓘ Grande école A prestigious third-level institution where admission is usually by competitive entrance examination or concours. Places are much sought after as they are widely considered to guarantee more promising career prospects than the standard university institutions. Many grandes écoles specialize in particular disciplines or fields of study, e.g. ENA, Sciences Po, etc.( féminin grande) [grɑ̃, grɑ̃d] (devant nom masculin commençant par voyelle ou h muet [grɑ̃t]) adjectifA.[ASPECT QUANTITATIF]grand A/B/C capital A/B/Cune grande tour a high ou tall towerun grand fleuve a long ou big riveravoir de grands pieds to have big ou large feetmarcher à grands pas to walk with great ou long strides3. [d'un certain âge - être humain] big[aîné - frère, sœur] big4. [qui dure longtemps] long5. [intense, considérable] greatpendant les grandes chaleurs in high summer, in ou at the height of summerun grand incendie a major ou great firela grande majorité de the great ou vast majority ofils plongent à une grande profondeur they dive very deep ou to a great depth7. [entier]elle m'a fait attendre une grande heure/semaine she made me wait a good hour/a good week9. GÉOGRAPHIE10. ZOOLOGIEB.[ASPECT QUALITATIF]les grands problèmes de notre temps the main ou major ou key issues of our timece sont de grands amis they're great ou very good friendsles grands blessés/brûlés/invalides the seriously wounded/burned/disabled3. [puissant, influent - banque] top ; [ - industriel] top, leading, major ; [ - propriétaire, famille] important ; [ - personnage] great4. [dans une hiérarchie]les grands dignitaires du régime the leading ou important dignitaries of the regime5. [noble]avoir grand air ou grande allure to carry oneself well, to be imposing6. [généralementéreux]il a un grand cœur he's big-hearted, he has a big heart7. [exagéré] biggrands mots high-sounding words, high-flown language8. [fameux, reconnu] greatun grand journaliste a great ou top journalistil ne descend que dans les grands hôtels he only stays in the best hotels ou the most luxurious hotelsle grand film de la soirée tonight's big ou feature filmles grandes dates de l'histoire de France the great ou most significant dates in French history9. HISTOIRE10. [omnipotent, suprême] greatC.[EN INTENSIF]sans grand enthousiasme/intérêt without much enthusiasm/interestsa grande fierté, c'est son jardin he's very proud of ou he takes great pride in his gardenun grand merci à ta sœur lots of thanks to ou a big thank you to your sistercette cuisine a grand besoin d'être nettoyée this kitchen really needs ou is in dire need of a cleantoute la famille au grand complet the whole family, every single member of the familyjamais, au grand jamais je n'accepterai never in a million years will I acceptà sa grande surprise much to his surprise, to his great surprise————————, grande [grɑ̃, grɑ̃d] (devant nom masculin commençant par voyelle ou h muet [grɑ̃t]) nom masculin, nom féminin1. [enfant - d'un certain âge][en appellatif]merci mon grand! thanks, son!allons, ma grande, ne pleure pas! come on now, love, don't cry!comme un grand: je me débrouillerai tout seul, comme un grand/toute seule, comme une grande I'll manage on my own, like a big boy/a big girl[en appellatif]alors, ma grande, tu as pu te reposer un peu? well dear, did you manage to get some rest?[personne de grande taille]pour la photo, les grands se mettront derrière for the photo, tall people ou the taller people will stand at the back————————adverbe1. [vêtement]2. (locution)3. [largement]4. ART————————nom masculin1. PHILOSOPHIE → link=infiniment infiniment2. [entrepreneur, industriel]les grands de l'automobile the major ou leading car manufacturers————————grands nom masculin plurielÉCONOMIE & POLITIQUEles grands [les puissants] the rich (and powerful)les grands de ce monde the people in (positions of) power ou in high places————————en grand locution adverbiale[complètement] on a large scaleil faut aérer la maison en grand the house needs a thorough ou good airinggrande école nom féminingrand ensemble nom masculingrande surface nom fémininThe grandes écoles are relatively small and highly respected higher education establishments. Admission is usually only possible after two years of intensive preparatory studies and a competitive entrance examination. Most have close links with industry. The grandes écoles include l'École des hautes études commerciales or HEC (management and business), l'École polytechnique or l'X (engineering) and l'École normale supérieure (teacher training). -
17 einmal
Adv.1. once; einmal eins ist eins one times one is one; einmal im Jahr once a year; ein- bis oder oder zweimal once or twice; noch einmal once more, (once) again; betont: one more time; versuch’s noch einmal auch have another go (Am. try); noch einmal so viel twice as much; noch einmal so alt wie er etc. twice his etc. age; einmal mehr / wieder einmal once again; einmal hell, einmal dunkel sometimes light, sometimes dark; einmal sagst du ja, dann sagst du nein one moment ( oder first) it’s yes, then it’s no; einmal dies, einmal jenes iro. it’s something different every time; Ferien einmal anders quite a different sort of holiday (Am. vacation); einmal ist keinmal Sprichw. once ( oder one time) doesn’t count; einmal und nie wieder never again; das gibt’s nur einmal Sache: that’s unique; Ereignis: that won’t happen again2. (früher) once; (zuvor) before; ich war ( schon) einmal da I’ve been there before, I was there once; das war einmal that’s all in the past; es war einmal ein(e) ... once upon a time there was a...; haben Sie schon einmal...? have you ever...?; es ist nicht mehr das, was es einmal war it isn’t what it used to be, it’s not the same any more3. (in der Zukunft) one day, some day (or other); (später einmal) later on (some time); wenn du einmal groß bist when you grow up, when you’re a big boy ( oder girl); das wird er noch einmal bereuen he’ll live to regret it; einmal kommt die Zeit, da oder wo... the time will come when...4. auf einmal (plötzlich) suddenly; (gleichzeitig) at the same time; (auf einen Sitz) in one go; alle(s) auf einmal all at once; zwei etc. auf einmal two at the same time ( oder at once)5. erst einmal first6. nicht einmal not even, not so much as; er hat mich nicht einmal angesehen he didn’t even (deign to) look at me7. nun einmal (eben) just, simply; ich habe nun einmal keine Lust dazu I just don’t feel like it at the moment; ich bin nun einmal so that’s the way I am, I can’t help it; er ist nun einmal so auch he’s like that; es ist nun einmal so that’s the way it is, that’s life8. freundlich: hör einmal! listen; stell dir einmal vor just imagine, can you imagine; kommst du bitte einmal her? can you come here for a moment?9. ärgerlich: sei endlich einmal ruhig! be quiet, will you!, how many times do I have to tell you to be quiet!; hör doch einmal auf! stop that!; einmal muss Schluss sein all good things (must) come to an end10. betont: (ausnahmsweise) for once; wenn ich 'einmal Zeit habe, muss es natürlich regnen! when I have some spare time for once, it has to go and rain11. (zum einen, erstens) firstly, for one thing; einmal weil..., zum anderen weil... for one thing because..., for another because...* * *one time; once* * *ein|mal ['ainmaːl]advéínmal eins ist eins — once one is one, one times one is one
éínmal sagt er dies, éínmal das — sometimes he says one thing, sometimes another
éínmal sagte sie, wir sollten bleiben, éínmal wir sollten gehen — first of all she says that we should stay, then that we should go
éínmal mehr — once again
éínmal und nicht or nie wieder — once and never again
noch éínmal — again
wenn sie da ist, ist es noch éínmal so schön — it's twice as nice when she's there
2) (= früher, vorher) once; (= später, in Zukunft) one or some daywaren Sie schon éínmal in Rom? — have you ever been to Rome?
er hat schon éínmal bessere Zeiten gesehen — he has seen better days
sie waren éínmal glücklich, aber jetzt... — they were happy once or at one time, but now...
es war éínmal... — once upon a time there was...
das war éínmal! — that was then
besuchen Sie mich doch éínmal! — come and visit me some time!
das wird éínmal anders werden — things will be different some or one day
3)wieder éínmal — again
ich bin/die Frauen sind nun éínmal so — that's the way I am/women are, I'm just/women are like that
wie die Lage nun éínmal ist — with things as or the way they are
wenn er nun éínmal hier ist... — seeing he's here...
alle éínmal herhören! — listen everyone!
sag éínmal, ist das wahr? — tell me, is it true?
See:→ erst* * *(a single time: He did it once; If I could see her once again I would be happy.) once* * *ein·mal1, 1-malRR[ˈainma:l]2. (ein einziges Mal) oncewenn du auch nur \einmal auf mich hören würdest! if you would only listen to me, just once!das gibt's nur \einmal (fam) it's [really] unique, it's a one-off\einmal Hamburg und zurück, bitte one return to Hamburg, please\einmal Tee und zwei Kaffee, bitte! one tea and two coffees, please!\einmal im Monat/am Tag/in der Woche once a month/day/week\einmal und nie wieder once and once only [or and never again]noch \einmal once more, one more time3. (zunächst) first\einmal sagst du dies und dann wieder das first you say one thing and then another4. (ein weiteres Mal)noch \einmal againsoll ich es [dir] noch \einmal erklären? shall I explain it [to you] you again?\einmal mehr once again5. (früher irgendwann) oncesie waren \einmal glücklich they used to be happy [once]das Hotel ist nicht mehr das, was es \einmal war the hotel is not what it used to bewarst du schon \einmal in Wien? have you ever been to Vienna?es war \einmal ein König, der hatte drei Töchter once upon a time, there was a king who had three daughtersdas war \einmal! that's over!, that's a thing of the past!schon \einmal everhast du schon \einmal daran gedacht auszuwandern? have you ever thought of emigrating?6. (später irgendwann) sometime, some [or one] daydu wirst \einmal an meine Worte denken! you'll remember my words one day!ich will \einmal Pilot werden I want to be a pilot [some day]7.schreit nicht alle auf \einmal don't all shout at onceein·mal2[ˈainma:l]1. (eben)so liegen die Dinge nun \einmal that's the way things arealle \einmal herhören! listen, everyone!sag \einmal, ist das wahr? tell me, is it true?sei doch \einmal so lieb und reiche mir die Kaffeekanne! could you just pass me the pot of coffee?komm doch \einmal her! come here a minute!kannst du \einmal halten? can you hold onto this for a minute?wie heißt der Autor noch \einmal? what's the name of the author again?so ist das nun \einmal that's the way it isdamit musst du dich nun \einmal abfinden that you have to accept2. (einschränkend)erst \einmal firstich werde es erst \einmal überschlafen und dir morgen meine Entscheidung mitteilen I'll sleep on it [first] and will let you know my decision tomorrowlass uns erst \einmal abwarten let's wait and seenicht \einmal not evener hat sich nicht \einmal bedankt he didn't even say thank youwieder \einmal [once] againdu hast wieder \einmal Recht! [once] again, you're right!* * *1.1) (ein Mal) oncenoch einmal so groß [wie] — twice as big [as]
etwas noch einmal tun — do something again
einmal sagt er dies, ein andermal das — first he says one thing, then another
einmal ist keinmal — (Spr.) it won't matter just this once
auf einmal — all at once; suddenly; (zugleich) at once
2.es war einmal ein König, der... — once upon a time there was a king who...
1)2)* * *einmal adv1. once;einmal eins ist eins one times one is one;einmal im Jahr once a year;oder zweimal once or twice;noch einmal once more, (once) again; betont: one more time;noch einmal so viel twice as much;einmal mehr/wieder einmal once again;einmal hell, einmal dunkel sometimes light, sometimes dark;einmal dies, einmal jenes iron it’s something different every time;Ferien einmal anders quite a different sort of holiday (US vacation);einmal und nie wieder never again;ich war (schon) einmal da I’ve been there before, I was there once;das war einmal that’s all in the past;es war einmal ein(e) …once upon a time there was a …;haben Sie schon einmal …? have you ever …?;es ist nicht mehr das, was es einmal war it isn’t what it used to be, it’s not the same any moredas wird er noch einmal bereuen he’ll live to regret it;einmal kommt die Zeit, da oderwo … the time will come when …4.alle(s) auf einmal all at once;zwei etcauf einmal two at the same time ( oder at once)5.erst einmal first6.nicht einmal not even, not so much as;er hat mich nicht einmal angesehen he didn’t even (deign to) look at me7.nun einmal (eben) just, simply;ich habe nun einmal keine Lust dazu I just don’t feel like it at the moment;ich bin nun einmal so that’s the way I am, I can’t help it;er ist nun einmal so auch he’s like that;es ist nun einmal so that’s the way it is, that’s life8. freundlich:hör einmal! listen;stell dir einmal vor just imagine, can you imagine;kommst du bitte einmal her? can you come here for a moment?9. ärgerlich:sei endlich einmal ruhig! be quiet, will you!, how many times do I have to tell you to be quiet!;hör doch einmal auf! stop that!;einmal muss Schluss sein all good things (must) come to an end10. betont: (ausnahmsweise) for once;wenn ich 'einmal Zeit habe, muss es natürlich regnen! when I have some spare time for once, it has to go and rain11. (zum einen, erstens) firstly, for one thing;einmal weil …, zum anderen weil … for one thing because …, for another because …* * *1.1) (ein Mal) oncenoch einmal so groß [wie] — twice as big [as]
einmal sagt er dies, ein andermal das — first he says one thing, then another
einmal ist keinmal — (Spr.) it won't matter just this once
auf einmal — all at once; suddenly; (zugleich) at once
2.es war einmal ein König, der... — once upon a time there was a king who...
1)2)* * *adj.once adj. -
18 grande
adj.1 big, large.este traje me está o me queda grande this suit is too big for meun gran artista a great artistel gran favorito the firm favoriteuna gran figura a big nameuna gran parte de mi trabajo implica… a large part of my job involves…una gran responsabilidad a heavy responsibilitya lo grande in a big way, in stylegrandes almacenes department storeGran Bretaña Great Britainel Gran Cañón the Grand Canyongran danés great Danegran éxito smash (hit) (disco, libro)los Grandes Lagos the Great Lakesla Gran Muralla (China) the Great Wall (of China)el gran público the general public2 old (de edad). (Mexican Spanish, River Plate)3 fantastic(informal). ( River Plate)4 magnus, Mag, magnum.5 grand, formidable, majestical, stately.m.grandee (noble).* * *► adjetivo1 (tamaño) large, big2 (fuerte, intenso) great3 (mayor) grown-up, old, big1 (de elevada jerarquía) great\a lo grande on a grand scale, in a big wayestar grande una cosa a alguien to be too big on somebodypasarlo en grande familiar to have a great timevivir a lo grande figurado to live in style* * *adj.1) big2) large3) great* * *1. ADJ( antes de sm sing gran)1) [de tamaño] big, large; [de estatura] big, tall; [número, velocidad] high, greatviven en una casa muy grande — they live in a very big o large house
¿cómo es de grande? — how big o large is it?, what size is it?
en cantidades más grandes — in larger o greater quantities
grandísimo — enormous, huge
un esfuerzo grandísimo — an enormous effort, a huge effort
¡grandísimo tunante! — you old rogue!
hacer algo a lo grande — to do sth in style, make a splash doing sth *
2) (=importante) [artista, hazaña] great; [empresa] bighay una diferencia no muy grande — there is not a very big o great difference
3) (=mucho, muy) greatse estrenó con gran éxito — it was a great success, it went off very well
4) [en edad](=mayor)ya eres grande, Raúl — you are a big boy now, Raúl
¿qué piensas hacer cuando seas grande? — what do you want to do when you grow up?
5)¡qué grande! — Arg * how funny!
2. SMF1) (=personaje importante)2) LAm (=adulto) adult3. SF1) Arg [de lotería] first prize, big prize2) And ** (=cárcel) clink **, jail* * *I1)a) ( en dimensiones) large, big; <boca/nariz> bigb) ( en demasía) too bigme queda or me está grande — it's too big for me
quedarle grande a alguien — puesto/responsabilidad to be too much for somebody
2) ( alto) tall3) (Geog)4) ( en edad)los más grandes pueden ir solos — the older o bigger ones can go on their own
5) (delante del n)a) (notable, excelente) greatun gran hombre/vino — a great man/wine
b) ( poderoso) big6)a) (en intensidad, grado) greatme llevé un susto más grande...! — I got such a fright!
una temporada de gran éxito — a very o a highly successful season
b) ( uso enfático)7)la gran parte or mayoría de los votantes — the great o vast majority of the voters
b) ( elevado)a gran velocidad — at high o great speed
en grande: lo pasamos en grande — we had a great time (colloq)
•IImasculino, femenino1) (de la industria, el comercio) big o leading name2)a) ( mayor)quiero ir con los grandes — I want to go with the big boys/girls
b) ( adulto)•* * *= vast [vaster -comp., vastest -sup.], big [bigger -comp., biggest -sup.], bulky, considerable, deep [deeper -comp., deepest -sup.], extensive, great [greater -comp., greatest -sup.], heavy [heavier -comp., heaviest -sup.], high [higher -comp., highest -sup.], huge, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], large scale [large-scale], tremendous, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], goodly [goodlier -comp., goodliest -sup.], abysmal, heavyweight [heavy weight], broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], of the highest order.Ex. If you add to this other access points, such as collections housed in old people's homes or day centres, prisons, hospitals, youth clubs, playgroups etc the coverage is vast.Ex. Fiction is a big item for children and also just for ordinary public library users.Ex. Like all enumerative schedules, the LC schedules are bulky, extending to some 8000 pages.Ex. The need to become familiar with different command languages for different hosts is a considerable barrier to effective retrieval.Ex. The world's largest processing department's plans and policies are always of deep interest.Ex. The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.Ex. Clearly, great variations can be expected between different indexing languages for different databases.Ex. In fact, the area was well served by a very good neighbourhood advice centre which had a heavy workload of advice and information-giving.Ex. Lower specificity will be associated with lower precision but high recall.Ex. A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.Ex. Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.Ex. It is in the development of such large-scale services that problems are seen most acutely.Ex. There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.Ex. The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.Ex. However, we must not forget the book which the critics acclaim and which also sells in goodly numbers.Ex. The major problem encountered in encouraging young adults to use public libraries is the abysmal lack of specialist young adult librarians = El principal problema que se encuentra para es incentivar a los jóvenes a usar las bibliotecas públicas es la enorme falta de bibliotecarios especialistas en temas relacionados con los adolescentes.Ex. Heavyweight information technology firms such as IBM are appearing in the market and challenging traditional players.Ex. In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.Ex. I've got to tell you, and I do say this affectionately, but we're talking about a geek of the highest order.----* a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.* a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.* a gran velocidad = at great speed.* a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.* armar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.* a un gran coste = at (a) great expense.* avanzar con gran dificultad = grind on.* bastante grande = largish.* calabacín grande = marrow, marrow squash.* causar una gran sensación = make + a splash.* causar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.* causar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons, make + a splash.* celebrar a lo grande = make + a song and dance about.* con gran capacidad = capacious.* con gran colorido = brightly coloured.* con gran densidad de población = densely populated.* con gran dificultad = with great difficulty.* con gran esplendor = grandly.* con gran iluminación = brightly illuminated.* con gran motivación = highly-motivated.* con gran sentimiento = earnestly.* conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.* contribuir en gran medida a + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio, go far in + Gerundio, go far towards + Gerundio.* con una gran cultura = well-read.* con una gran diferencia = by a huge margin.* con una gran tradición = long-standing.* con un gran número de lectores = widely-read.* con un gran suspiro = with a deep sigh.* convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.* correr un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.* crear con gran destreza = craft.* dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.* de gran ahorro energético = energy-saving.* de gran belleza = scenic.* de gran calibre = high-calibre.* de gran calidad = high-quality, high-grade [high grade], high-calibre.* de gran capacidad = large-capacity, high capacity.* de gran colorido = brightly coloured.* de gran corazón = big-hearted.* de gran efecto = wide-reaching.* de gran éxito comercial = high selling.* de gran formato = oversized.* de gran impacto = high impact [high-impact].* de gran influencia = seminal.* de gran lucidez = clear-sighted.* de gran lujo = top-class.* de gran potencia = high-powered.* de gran repercusión = far-reaching, wide-reaching, far-ranging.* de gran talento = talented.* de gran valor = highly valued, highly valuable.* de gran valor histórico = of great historical value.* de gran venta = high selling.* demasiado grande = oversized.* describir a grandes rasgos = paint + a broad picture.* desplazarse grandes distancias = travel + long distances.* ejercer una gran influencia en = play + a strong hand in.* el gran hermano = big brother.* el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.* empresa de grandes derroches = high roller.* en gran cantidad = prodigiously.* en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in bulk.* en grandes números = in record numbers, in record numbers.* en gran formato = oversize, oversized.* en gran medida = by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, to a great extent, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a large degree, to a great degree.* en gran número = numerously.* en gran parte = largely, in large part, in large measure, for the most part, to a great extent, to a great degree.* en un gran aprieto = in dire straits.* en un gran apuro = in dire straits.* esperar una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.* expresión típica de Gran Bretaña = Briticism.* extra grande = extra-large.* gestión de grandes extensiones para la cría de ganado = range management.* gran altura = high altitude.* gran aumento = heavy increase.* gran bebedor = heavy drinker.* gran belleza = scenic beauty.* Gran Bretaña = Britain, Great Britain.* gran calidad = high standard.* gran cantidad de = large crop of, mass of.* gran categoría = high standard.* gran cosa = big deal.* gran danés = Great Dane.* Gran Depresión, la = Depression, the, Great Depression, the.* grandes almacenes = department store.* grandes cantidades de = storerooms of, huge numbers of, huge numbers of, great numbers of.* grandes escritores, los = great imaginative writers, the.* grandes robles nacen de pequeñas bellotas = great oaks from little acorns grow.* grandes sumas de dinero = vast sums of money.* grande superficie = shopping mall, shopping complex, shopping centre.* grandes y pequeños = great and small.* grande y tenebroso = cavernous.* gran ducado = grand-duchy.* gran espectáculo = extravaganza.* gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pasto = rangeland.* gran grupo = constellation.* gran mentira = big fat lie.* gran nivel = high standard.* gran número de = great numbers of.* gran pantalla de televisión = large-screen television.* gran parte = much.* gran parte de = much of.* gran peso = heavy weight.* gran placer = great pleasure.* gran potencia = great power.* gran salto adelante = giant leap, great leap forward.* gran tiburón blanco = great white shark.* gran titular = headline banner.* hacer grandes esfuerzos por = take + (great) pains to.* hacer grandes progresos = make + great strides.* hacer un gran esfuerzo = go out of + Posesivo + way to + Infinitivo.* hacer un gran negocio = make + a killing.* IGE (Integración a Gran Escala) = LSI (Large Scale Integration).* influir en gran medida = become + a force.* jaula grande para pájaros = aviary.* jugador de grandes apuestas = high roller.* la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple.* la gran mayoría de = the vast majority of, the bulk of.* levantar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.* llevarse una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.* lo suficientemente grande = large enough, big enough.* más grande = greater.* muy grande = big time.* Nombre + a gran escala = broad scale + Nombre.* no ser gran cosa = not add up to much, add up to + nothing.* no ser una gran pérdida = be no great loss.* no significar gran cosa = not add up to much.* no suponer gran cosa = not add up to much.* no valer gran cosa = be no great shakes.* pago único y bien grande = fat lump sum.* para + Posesivo + gran sorpresa = much to + Posesivo + surprise.* pasarlo a lo grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.* pasarlo en grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.* pasárselo en grande = enjoy + every minute of, love + every minute of it.* Pedro el Grande = Peter the Great.* pensar a lo grande = think + big.* Pie Grande = Bigfoot, Sasquatch.* por un gran margen = by a huge margin.* producir con gran destreza = craft.* provocar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.* provocar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.* que le presta gran importancia a la cultura = culture-conscious.* recorrer grandes distancias = travel + long distances.* revista que tiene una gran demanda popular = mass-market journal.* ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.* ser de gran beneficio para = be of great benefit to.* ser una gran ayuda = be a tower of strength.* ser un gran alivio = be a welcome relief.* ser un gran apoyo = be a tower of strength.* ser un gran avance = be half the battle.* ser un gran paso adelante = be half the battle.* taza grande = mug.* tener en gran estima = have + a very high regard for.* tener gran éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.* tener gran importancia = be of high significance.* tener gran repercusión = be far reaching.* tener una gran tradición = have + a long ancestry.* tener un gran impacto = have + a big impact.* tomar un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.* una gran cantidad de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of, a whole host of.* una gran cantidad y variedad de = a wealth and breadth of.* una gran diversidad de = a wide range of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of.* una gran experiencia = a wealth of experience.* una gran extensión de = a sea of.* una gran gama de = a wide range of, a rich tapestry of, a wide band of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.* una gran mayoría de = a large proportion of.* una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion's share of.* una gran pérdida = a great loss.* una gran proporción de = a large proportion of.* una gran variedad de = a wide range of, a multiplicity of, a rich tapestry of, a plurality of, a broad variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.* un gran espectro de = a wide band of.* un gran número de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a plethora of, a wide range of, a full roster of, a fair number of, a great number of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a vast corpus of.* un gran repertorio de = an arsenal of, an armoury of [armory].* un gran volumen de = a vast corpus of.* venirle Algo grande a Alguien = get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.* WAN (red de gran alcance) = WAN (wide area network).* * *I1)a) ( en dimensiones) large, big; <boca/nariz> bigb) ( en demasía) too bigme queda or me está grande — it's too big for me
quedarle grande a alguien — puesto/responsabilidad to be too much for somebody
2) ( alto) tall3) (Geog)4) ( en edad)los más grandes pueden ir solos — the older o bigger ones can go on their own
5) (delante del n)a) (notable, excelente) greatun gran hombre/vino — a great man/wine
b) ( poderoso) big6)a) (en intensidad, grado) greatme llevé un susto más grande...! — I got such a fright!
una temporada de gran éxito — a very o a highly successful season
b) ( uso enfático)7)la gran parte or mayoría de los votantes — the great o vast majority of the voters
b) ( elevado)a gran velocidad — at high o great speed
en grande: lo pasamos en grande — we had a great time (colloq)
•IImasculino, femenino1) (de la industria, el comercio) big o leading name2)a) ( mayor)quiero ir con los grandes — I want to go with the big boys/girls
b) ( adulto)•* * *= vast [vaster -comp., vastest -sup.], big [bigger -comp., biggest -sup.], bulky, considerable, deep [deeper -comp., deepest -sup.], extensive, great [greater -comp., greatest -sup.], heavy [heavier -comp., heaviest -sup.], high [higher -comp., highest -sup.], huge, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], large scale [large-scale], tremendous, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], goodly [goodlier -comp., goodliest -sup.], abysmal, heavyweight [heavy weight], broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], of the highest order.Ex: If you add to this other access points, such as collections housed in old people's homes or day centres, prisons, hospitals, youth clubs, playgroups etc the coverage is vast.
Ex: Fiction is a big item for children and also just for ordinary public library users.Ex: Like all enumerative schedules, the LC schedules are bulky, extending to some 8000 pages.Ex: The need to become familiar with different command languages for different hosts is a considerable barrier to effective retrieval.Ex: The world's largest processing department's plans and policies are always of deep interest.Ex: The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.Ex: Clearly, great variations can be expected between different indexing languages for different databases.Ex: In fact, the area was well served by a very good neighbourhood advice centre which had a heavy workload of advice and information-giving.Ex: Lower specificity will be associated with lower precision but high recall.Ex: A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.Ex: Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.Ex: It is in the development of such large-scale services that problems are seen most acutely.Ex: There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.Ex: The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.Ex: However, we must not forget the book which the critics acclaim and which also sells in goodly numbers.Ex: The major problem encountered in encouraging young adults to use public libraries is the abysmal lack of specialist young adult librarians = El principal problema que se encuentra para es incentivar a los jóvenes a usar las bibliotecas públicas es la enorme falta de bibliotecarios especialistas en temas relacionados con los adolescentes.Ex: Heavyweight information technology firms such as IBM are appearing in the market and challenging traditional players.Ex: In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.Ex: I've got to tell you, and I do say this affectionately, but we're talking about a geek of the highest order.* a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.* a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.* a gran velocidad = at great speed.* a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.* armar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.* a un gran coste = at (a) great expense.* avanzar con gran dificultad = grind on.* bastante grande = largish.* calabacín grande = marrow, marrow squash.* causar una gran sensación = make + a splash.* causar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.* causar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons, make + a splash.* celebrar a lo grande = make + a song and dance about.* con gran capacidad = capacious.* con gran colorido = brightly coloured.* con gran densidad de población = densely populated.* con gran dificultad = with great difficulty.* con gran esplendor = grandly.* con gran iluminación = brightly illuminated.* con gran motivación = highly-motivated.* con gran sentimiento = earnestly.* conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.* contribuir en gran medida a + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio, go far in + Gerundio, go far towards + Gerundio.* con una gran cultura = well-read.* con una gran diferencia = by a huge margin.* con una gran tradición = long-standing.* con un gran número de lectores = widely-read.* con un gran suspiro = with a deep sigh.* convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.* correr un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.* crear con gran destreza = craft.* dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.* de gran ahorro energético = energy-saving.* de gran belleza = scenic.* de gran calibre = high-calibre.* de gran calidad = high-quality, high-grade [high grade], high-calibre.* de gran capacidad = large-capacity, high capacity.* de gran colorido = brightly coloured.* de gran corazón = big-hearted.* de gran efecto = wide-reaching.* de gran éxito comercial = high selling.* de gran formato = oversized.* de gran impacto = high impact [high-impact].* de gran influencia = seminal.* de gran lucidez = clear-sighted.* de gran lujo = top-class.* de gran potencia = high-powered.* de gran repercusión = far-reaching, wide-reaching, far-ranging.* de gran talento = talented.* de gran valor = highly valued, highly valuable.* de gran valor histórico = of great historical value.* de gran venta = high selling.* demasiado grande = oversized.* describir a grandes rasgos = paint + a broad picture.* desplazarse grandes distancias = travel + long distances.* ejercer una gran influencia en = play + a strong hand in.* el gran hermano = big brother.* el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.* empresa de grandes derroches = high roller.* en gran cantidad = prodigiously.* en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in bulk.* en grandes números = in record numbers, in record numbers.* en gran formato = oversize, oversized.* en gran medida = by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, to a great extent, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a large degree, to a great degree.* en gran número = numerously.* en gran parte = largely, in large part, in large measure, for the most part, to a great extent, to a great degree.* en un gran aprieto = in dire straits.* en un gran apuro = in dire straits.* esperar una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.* expresión típica de Gran Bretaña = Briticism.* extra grande = extra-large.* gestión de grandes extensiones para la cría de ganado = range management.* gran altura = high altitude.* gran aumento = heavy increase.* gran bebedor = heavy drinker.* gran belleza = scenic beauty.* Gran Bretaña = Britain, Great Britain.* gran calidad = high standard.* gran cantidad de = large crop of, mass of.* gran categoría = high standard.* gran cosa = big deal.* gran danés = Great Dane.* Gran Depresión, la = Depression, the, Great Depression, the.* grandes almacenes = department store.* grandes cantidades de = storerooms of, huge numbers of, huge numbers of, great numbers of.* grandes escritores, los = great imaginative writers, the.* grandes robles nacen de pequeñas bellotas = great oaks from little acorns grow.* grandes sumas de dinero = vast sums of money.* grande superficie = shopping mall, shopping complex, shopping centre.* grandes y pequeños = great and small.* grande y tenebroso = cavernous.* gran ducado = grand-duchy.* gran espectáculo = extravaganza.* gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pasto = rangeland.* gran grupo = constellation.* gran mentira = big fat lie.* gran nivel = high standard.* gran número de = great numbers of.* gran pantalla de televisión = large-screen television.* gran parte = much.* gran parte de = much of.* gran peso = heavy weight.* gran placer = great pleasure.* gran potencia = great power.* gran salto adelante = giant leap, great leap forward.* gran tiburón blanco = great white shark.* gran titular = headline banner.* hacer grandes esfuerzos por = take + (great) pains to.* hacer grandes progresos = make + great strides.* hacer un gran esfuerzo = go out of + Posesivo + way to + Infinitivo.* hacer un gran negocio = make + a killing.* IGE (Integración a Gran Escala) = LSI (Large Scale Integration).* influir en gran medida = become + a force.* jaula grande para pájaros = aviary.* jugador de grandes apuestas = high roller.* la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple.* la gran mayoría de = the vast majority of, the bulk of.* levantar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.* llevarse una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.* lo suficientemente grande = large enough, big enough.* más grande = greater.* muy grande = big time.* Nombre + a gran escala = broad scale + Nombre.* no ser gran cosa = not add up to much, add up to + nothing.* no ser una gran pérdida = be no great loss.* no significar gran cosa = not add up to much.* no suponer gran cosa = not add up to much.* no valer gran cosa = be no great shakes.* pago único y bien grande = fat lump sum.* para + Posesivo + gran sorpresa = much to + Posesivo + surprise.* pasarlo a lo grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.* pasarlo en grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.* pasárselo en grande = enjoy + every minute of, love + every minute of it.* Pedro el Grande = Peter the Great.* pensar a lo grande = think + big.* Pie Grande = Bigfoot, Sasquatch.* por un gran margen = by a huge margin.* producir con gran destreza = craft.* provocar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.* provocar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.* que le presta gran importancia a la cultura = culture-conscious.* recorrer grandes distancias = travel + long distances.* revista que tiene una gran demanda popular = mass-market journal.* ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.* ser de gran beneficio para = be of great benefit to.* ser una gran ayuda = be a tower of strength.* ser un gran alivio = be a welcome relief.* ser un gran apoyo = be a tower of strength.* ser un gran avance = be half the battle.* ser un gran paso adelante = be half the battle.* taza grande = mug.* tener en gran estima = have + a very high regard for.* tener gran éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.* tener gran importancia = be of high significance.* tener gran repercusión = be far reaching.* tener una gran tradición = have + a long ancestry.* tener un gran impacto = have + a big impact.* tomar un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.* una gran cantidad de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of, a whole host of.* una gran cantidad y variedad de = a wealth and breadth of.* una gran diversidad de = a wide range of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of.* una gran experiencia = a wealth of experience.* una gran extensión de = a sea of.* una gran gama de = a wide range of, a rich tapestry of, a wide band of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.* una gran mayoría de = a large proportion of.* una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion's share of.* una gran pérdida = a great loss.* una gran proporción de = a large proportion of.* una gran variedad de = a wide range of, a multiplicity of, a rich tapestry of, a plurality of, a broad variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.* un gran espectro de = a wide band of.* un gran número de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a plethora of, a wide range of, a full roster of, a fair number of, a great number of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a vast corpus of.* un gran repertorio de = an arsenal of, an armoury of [armory].* un gran volumen de = a vast corpus of.* venirle Algo grande a Alguien = get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.* WAN (red de gran alcance) = WAN (wide area network).* * *A1 (en dimensiones) large, bigse mudaron a una casa más grande they moved to a larger o bigger housesus grandes ojos negros her big dark eyesun tipo grande, ancho de hombros a big, broad-shouldered guytiene la boca/nariz grande she has a big mouth/noseabra la boca más grande open wider2 (en demasía) too big¿esto será grande para Daniel? do you think this is too big for Daniel?estos zapatos me quedan or me están grandes these shoes are too big for mequedarle or ( Esp) venirle grande a algn «puesto/responsabilidad» to be too much for sbB (alto) tall¡qué grande está Andrés! isn't Andrés tall!, hasn't Andrés gotten* tall!C ( Geog):el Gran Buenos Aires/Bilbao Greater Buenos Aires/BilbaoD1( esp AmL) ‹niño/chico› (en edad): los más grandes pueden ir solos the older o bigger ones can go on their ownya eres grande y puedes comer solito you're a big boy now and you can feed yourselfcuando sea grande quiero ser bailarina when I grow up I want to be a ballet dancermis hijos ya son grandes my children are all grown up now2está saliendo con un tipo grande she's going out with an older guyE ( delante del n)1 (notable, excelente) greatun gran hombre/artista/vino a great man/artist/winela gran dama del teatro the grande dame of the theater2 (poderoso) biglos grandes bancos/industriales the big banks/industrialistslos grandes señores feudales the great feudal lordsa lo grande in style3(en importancia): son grandes amigos they're great friendsgrandes fumadores heavy smokersF ( fam)(increíble): ¡qué cosa más grande! ¡ya te he dicho 20 veces que no lo sé! this is unbelievable! I've told you 20 times already that I don't know!¿no es grande que ahora me echen la culpa a mí? ( iró); and now they blame me; great, isn't it? ( iro)G1 (en intensidad, grado) greatme causó una gran pena it caused me great sadnessme has dado una gran alegría you have made me very happycomió con gran apetito she ate hungrily o heartilyun día de gran calor a very hot daylos grandes fríos del 47 the great o big freeze of '47me llevé un susto más grande … I got such a frightpara mi gran vergüenza to my great embarrassmentse produjo una gran explosión there was a powerful explosiones un gran honor para mí it is a great honor* for meha sido una temporada de gran éxito it has been a very o a highly successful seasonno corre gran prisa it is not very urgentlas paredes tienen gran necesidad de una mano de pintura the walls are very much in need of a coat of paint2(uso enfático): eso es una gran verdad that is absolutely o very trueeres un grandísimo sinvergüenza you're a real swine ( colloq)ésa es la mentira más grande que he oído that's the biggest lie I've ever heardH1 (en número) ‹familia› large, big; ‹clase› bigla gran mayoría de los votantes the great o vast majority of the votersdedican gran parte de su tiempo a la investigación they devote much of o a great deal of their time to researchesto se debe en gran parte a que … this is largely due to the fact that …2(elevado): a gran velocidad at high o great speedvolar a gran altura to fly at a great heightun edificio de gran altura a very tall buildingun gran número de personas a large number of peopleobjetos de gran valor objects of great valueen grande: lo pasamos or nos divertimos en grande we had a great time ( colloq)Compuestos:masculine wide-angle lensel gran capital big businessmasculine Great Danela Gran Depresión the Great Depression( Astron): la gran explosión the Big Bangla Gran Guerra the Great Warmasculine Big Brotherel gran hermano te observa or te vigila Big Brother is watching youmasculine Grand Mastermasculine grand mastermasculine international grand masterfeminine grand operamasculine Grand Prixel gran público the general publicel gran simpático the sympathetic nervous systemmpl department storemasculine, feminineA (de la industria, el comercio) big o leading name, leading playeruno de los tres grandes de la industria automovilística one of the big three names o one of the big three in the car industryB ( esp AmL)1(mayor): quiero ir con los grandes I want to go with the big boys/girlsla grande ya está casada their eldest (daughter) is already married2 (adulto) grown-upCompuesto:(Spanish) grandee o nobleman( RPl)la grande the big prize, the jackpotsacarse la grande (literal) to win the big prize o the jackpotse sacó la grande con ese marido she hit the jackpot with that husband* * *
grande adjetivo◊ gran is used before singular nouns
unos grande almacenes a department store
‹ clase› big;
la gran parte or mayoría the great majority
◊ ¡qué grande está Andrés! isn't Andrés tall!b) ( en edad):
ya son grandes they are all grown up now
3 (Geog):
4 ( delante del n)
a lo grande in style
‹ explosión› powerful;◊ ¡me llevé un susto más grande … ! I got such a fright!;
una temporada de gran éxito a very o a highly successful season;
son grandes amigos they're great friends;
eso es una gran verdad that is absolutely true;
¡qué mentira más grande! that's a complete lie!b) ( elevado):◊ a gran velocidad at high o great speed;
volar a gran altura to fly at a great height;
un gran número de personas a large number of people;
objetos de gran valor objects of great value;
en grande: lo pasamos en grande we had a great time (colloq)
■ sustantivo masculino, femeninoa) ( mayor):
b) ( adulto):
grande adjetivo
1 (tamaño) big, large
grandes almacenes, department stores
2 (cantidad) large
3 fig (fuerte, intenso) great: es un gran músico, he is a great musician
♦ Locuciones: a lo grande, in style
figurado pasarlo en grande, to have a great time
' grande' also found in these entries:
- alfombra
- ampliar
- ampliación
- armatoste
- así
- bastante
- bestial
- bloque
- buena
- bueno
- cabezón
- cabezona
- cabezudo
- cajón
- calabacín
- campeonato
- cantidad
- canto
- ciudad
- colosal
- consideración
- fenomenal
- formidable
- gran
- hermosa
- hermoso
- incalculable
- ingeniosa
- ingenioso
- mía
- mío
- monstruosa
- monstruoso
- monumental
- nuestra
- nuestro
- pila
- puerta
- quedar
- señor
- suficientemente
- suma
- sumo
- terraza
- tirada
- tremenda
- tremendo
- venir
- bailar
- above
- ample
- army
- awful
- bag
- baggy
- bay
- big
- boat
- border
- box
- breaker
- brush
- bulk
- carve
- cauldron
- cushion
- deposit
- enough
- extend
- grand
- great
- grow
- hers
- in
- integrate
- large
- lion
- manufacturer
- marrow
- mighty
- mine
- outrank
- overgrown
- paving stone
- place
- roller
- set on
- set upon
- slight
- spanking
- style
- tablespoonful
- tea urn
- temptation
- terrific
- time
- to
- tub
* * *♦ adj1. [de tamaño] big, large;el gran Buenos Aires/Santiago greater Buenos Aires/Santiago, the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires/Santiago;Figel cargo le viene grande he's not up to the job;Fampagó con un billete de los grandes he paid with a large notegrandes almacenes department store; Fot gran angular wide-angle lens;la Gran Barrera de Coral the Great Barrier Reef;Gran Bretaña Great Britain;el Gran Cañón (del Colorado) the Grand Canyon;gran danés Great Dane;Hist la Gran Depresión the Great Depression;gran ducado grand duchy;la Gran Explosión the Big Bang;la Gran Guerra the Great War;los Grandes Lagos the Great Lakes;gran maestro [en ajedrez] grand master;Hist Gran Mogol Mogul;la Gran Muralla (China) the Great Wall (of China);Dep Gran Premio Grand Prix; Hist el Gran Salto Adelante the Great Leap Forward;gran simio antropoide great ape;gran slam [en tenis] grand slam;Esp Com gran superficie hypermarket2. [de altura] tall;¡qué grande está tu hermano! your brother's really grown!3. [en importancia] great;una gran mujer a great woman;los grandes bancos the major banks;la gran mayoría está a favor del proyecto the great o overwhelming majority are in favour of the project;el éxito se debe en gran parte a su esfuerzo the success is largely due to her efforts, the success is in no small measure due to her efforts4. [en intensidad] great;es un gran mentiroso he's a real liar;¡qué alegría más grande! what joy!me dijeron que todavía no soy grande como para salir solo they told me I'm not big enough to go out on my own yetsiempre se llevó bien con gente más grande he always got on well with older peopleayer le hice un favor y hoy me vuelve la espalda, ¡grande! great! I did him a favour and now he doesn't want to know!9. CompFamhacer algo a lo grande to do sth in a big way o in style;vivir a lo grande to live in style;pasarlo en grande to have a great time♦ nm1. [noble] grandeeGrande de España = one of highest-ranking members of Spanish nobility2. [persona, entidad importante]uno de los grandes del sector one of the major players in the sector;los tres grandes de la liga the big three in the league;uno de los grandes de la literatura mexicana one of the big names in Mexican literature♦ nfRP [en lotería] first prize, jackpot;se sacó la grande con ese trabajo [tuvo buena suerte] she hit the jackpot with that job;con esa nuera que tiene le tocó la grande [tuvo mala suerte] you've got to feel sorry for her having a daughter-in-law like that♦ interjRP Fam [fantástico] great!* * *I adj1 big, large;me viene grande the jacket is too big for me;el cargo le viene grande the job is too much for him2:a lo grande in style;pasarlo en grande have a great timeII m/f1 L.Am. ( adulto) grown-up, adult;grandes y pequeños young and old2 ( mayor) eldest* * *1) : large, bigun libro grande: a big book2) alto: tall3) notable: greatun gran autor: a great writercon gran placer: with great pleasure5) : old, grown-uphijos grandes: grown children* * *grande adj¿es muy grande el jardín? is the garden very big?2. (número, cantidad) large3. (importante) great -
19 that
1. ðæt plural - those; adjective(used to indicate a person, thing etc spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: Don't take this book - take that one; At that time, I was living in Italy; When are you going to return those books?) ese, esa, esos, esas; aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas
2. pronoun(used to indicate a thing etc, or (in plural or with the verb be) person or people, spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: What is that you've got in your hand?; Who is that?; That is the Prime Minister; Those present at the concert included the composer and his wife.) ese, esa, esos, esas; aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas
3. ðət, ðæt relative pronoun(used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned in a preceding clause in order to distinguish it from others: Where is the parcel that arrived this morning?; Who is the man (that) you were talking to?)
4. ðət, ðæt conjunction1) ((often omitted) used to report what has been said etc or to introduce other clauses giving facts, reasons, results etc: I know (that) you didn't do it; I was surprised (that) he had gone.) que2) (used to introduce expressions of sorrow, wishes etc: That I should be accused of murder!; Oh, that I were with her now!) y pensar que; ojalá
adverb(so; to such an extent: I didn't realize she was that ill.) tan- that's that
that1 adj ese / aquelwho lives in that house? ¿quién vive en esa casa?did you bring that book? ¿has traído aquel libro?what are those boys doing? ¿qué están haciendo aquellos chicos?that2 adv tanthat3 conj quethat4 pron1. ése / aquél2. esotr[ðæt ʊnstressed ðət]1 ese, esa (remote) aquel, aquella■ how much is that dress? ¿cuánto vale ese vestido?■ what was that noise? ¿qué ha sido ese ruido?■ have you got that record I lent you? ¿tienes aquel disco que te dejé?■ who's that? ¿quién es ése/ésa?■ this is mine, that is yours éste es mío, aquél es tuyo2 (indefinite) eso; (remote) aquello■ what's that? ¿qué es eso?■ where did you get that? ¿dónde has comprado eso?3 (relative) que4 (with preposition) que, el/la que, el/la cual1 que2 ¡ojalá!1 familiar tan, tanto,-a, tantos,-as\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLand all that y todo esolike that así, de aquella manerathat is to say es decirthat's life así es la vidathat's more like it ¡ahora!, ¡así me gusta!that's right así esthat's that ya está, se acabówho's that? (on 'phone) ¿quién es?, ¿quién eres?it's not that expensive: no es tan caronot that much: no tantodo you see those children?: ¿ves a aquellos niños?that conj & pron: quehe said that he was afraid: dijo que tenía miedothe book that he wrote: el libro que escribió1) : ése, ésa, esothat's my father: ése es mi padrethose are the ones he likes: ésos son los que le gustanwhat's that?: ¿qué es eso?those are maples and these are elms: aquéllos son arces y éstos son olmosthat came to an end: aquello se acabóadj.• esa adj.• ese adj.adj.dem.• aquel adj.dem.adv.• como adv.• tan adv.conj.• ese conj.• para que conj.• que conj.pron.• aquello pron.• aquél pron.• el cual pron.• ese pron.• eso pron.• que pron.• quien pron.• tanto pron.pron.dem.neut.• aquello pron.dem.neut.
I ðæt1) (pl those) ( demonstrative) ése, ésa; (neuter) esothose — ésos, ésas; (to refer to something more distant, to the remote past) aquél, aquélla; (neuter) aquello
those — aquéllos, aquéllas [According to the Real Academia Española the accent can be omitted when there is no ambiguity]
what's that? — ¿qué es eso?
who's that over there? — quién es ése/ésa?
those are $20 and those over there $21.50 — ésos cuestan 20 dólares y aquéllos de allá 21,50
who's that, please? — ( on telephone) ¿con quién hablo, por favor?
that's impossible/wonderful! — es imposible/maravilloso!
is that so? — no me digas!, ¿ah, sí?
don't talk like that! — no hables así!, no digas eso!
eat it up now, that's a good girl! — vamos, cómetelo todo así me gusta!
come on, it's not as bad as all that — vamos, que no es para tanto
2) (in phrases)at that they all burst out laughing — al oír (or ver etc) eso, todos se echaron a reír
he has enormous power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that — tiene mucho poder y muchas riquezas, pero aún así es infeliz
that is: we're all going, all the adults, that is vamos todos, es decir, todos los adultos; you're welcome to come along, that is, if you'd like to encantados de que vengas, siempre que quieras venir, claro; that's it!: that's it for today eso es todo por hoy; is that it? - no, there's another bag to come ¿ya está? - no, todavía falta otra bolsa; now lift your left arm: that's it! ahora levanta el brazo izquierdo eso es! or ahí está!; that's it: I've had enough! se acabó! ya no aguanto más!; that's that: you're not going and that's that! — no vas y no hay más que hablar or y se acabó
3) ðət, strong form ðæt ( relative) queit wasn't Helen (that) you saw — no fue a Helen a quien viste, no fue a Helen que viste (AmL)
II ðætthose — esos, esas; (to refer to something more distant, to the remote past) aquel, aquella
those — aquellos, aquellas
do you know that boy/girl? — ¿conoces a ese chico/esa chica?
I prefer that one — prefiero ése/ésa
III ðət, strong form ðætconjunction queshe said (that)... — dijo que...
it's not that I mind what he does but... — no es que me importe lo que hace, pero...
they died that others might live — (liter) murieron para que otros pudieran vivir
IV ðætadverb tanten thirty? that late already? — ¿las diez y media? ¿ya es tan tarde?
(strong form) [ðæt] (weak form) [ˌdǝt] (pl those) Those is treated as a separate entry.I'm not that interested, really — la verdad es que no me interesa tanto
1. DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVE1) [+ objects/people]You can generally use ese etc when pointing to something near the person you are speaking to. Use aquel etc for something which is distant from both of you: (nearer) ese m, esa f ; (more remote) aquel m, aquella fthat car is much better value than that sports model at the end — ese coche está mejor de precio que aquel modelo deportivo que hay al final
that wretched dog! — ¡ese maldito perro!
In the past the standard spelling for [ese/esa] and [aquel/aquella] used as pronouns (as when they are used to translate [that one]) was with an accent ([ése/ésa] and [aquél/aquélla]). Nowadays the [Real Academia Española] advises that the accented forms are only required where there might otherwise be confusion with the adjectives [este/esta] and [aquel/aquella].what about that cheque? — ¿y el cheque ese?
there's little to choose between this model and that one — no hay mucho que elegir entre este modelo y aquel
2) [+ event, year, month]
Aquel is used to refer to a time in the distant past. Use if you mention a concrete date, month, year {etc">ese:do you remember that holiday we had in Holland? — ¿te acuerdas de aquellas vacaciones que pasamos en Holanda?
1992? I can't remember where we holidayed that year — ¿1992? no recuerdo dónde pasamos las vacaciones ese año
May? we can't come that month because we'll be moving house — ¿en mayo? no podemos venir ese mes porque nos estaremos mudando de casa
2.DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNThe pronoun that ( one) is translated by ese and aquel (masc), esa and aquella (fem) and eso and aquello (neuter). You can generally use ese etc when pointing to something near the person you are speaking to. Use aquel etc for something which is distant from both of you. Note that in the past the standard spelling for the masculine and feminine pronouns was with an accent (ése/ésa and aquél/aquélla). Nowadays the Real Academia Española advises that the accented forms are only required where there might otherwise be confusion with the adjectives ese/esa and aquel/aquella. Neuter pronouns never carry an accent. (nearer) ese m, esa f, ése m, ésa f, eso (neuter) ; (more remote) aquel(la) m / f, aquél(la) m / f, aquello (neuter)who's that? — ¿quién es ese?
what is that? — ¿qué es eso?, ¿eso qué es?
is that you, Paul? — ¿eres tú, Paul?
£5? it must have cost more than that — ¿5 libras? debe haber costado más (que eso)
that's true — eso es verdad, es cierto (esp LAm)
that's odd! — ¡qué raro!, ¡qué cosa más rara!
1988? that was the year you graduated, wasn't it? — ¿1988? ese fue el año en que acabaste la carrera, ¿no es así?
"will he come?" - "that he will!" — † -¿vendrá? -¡ya lo creo!
after that — después de eso•
bees and wasps and all that — abejas, avispas y cosas asíis that all? — ¿eso es todo?, ¿nada más?
and it was broken at that — y además estaba rotoI realized he meant to speak to me and at that I panicked — me di cuenta de que quería hablar conmigo y entonces me entró el pánico
what do you mean by that? — ¿qué quieres decir con eso?•
if it comes to that — en tal caso, si llegamos a eso•
it will cost 20 dollars, if that — costará 20 dólares, si es que llega•
that is — (=ie) es decir...•
that's it, we've finished — ya está, hemos terminadothat's it! she can find her own gardener! — ¡se acabó! ¡que se busque un jardinero por su cuenta!
that of — el/la de•
that is to say — es decir...•
why worry about that which may never happen? — frm ¿por qué preocuparse por aquello que or por lo que puede que nunca vaya a pasar?•
with that — con eso3. RELATIVE PRONOUNUnlike that, the Spanish relative cannot be omitted.1) quethe girl that he met on holiday and later married — la chica que conoció durante las vacaciones y con la que después se casó
If the that clause ends in a preposition, you can either translate that as que (usually preceded by the definite article) or as article + cual/cuales. Use the second option particularly in formal language or after long prepositions or prepositional phrases:fool that I am! — ¡tonto que soy!
the box that I put it in — la caja donde lo puse, la caja en la que or en la cual lo puse
4. ADVERB1) (=so) tanit's about that big — (with gesture) es más o menos así de grande
cheer up! it isn't that bad — ¡ánimo! ¡no es para tanto!•
that many frogs — tantas ranas•
that much money — tanto dinero2) * (=so very) tanit was that cold! — ¡hacía tanto frío!
5. CONJUNCTIONUnlike that, que cannot be omitted.1) after verb quehe said that... — dijo que...
he said that he was going to London and would be back in the evening — dijo que se iba a Londres y (que) volvería por la tarde
2) after nounTranslate as de que in phrases like the idea/belief/hope that:
any hope that they might have survived was fading — toda esperanza de que hubiesen sobrevivido se estaba desvaneciendo•
the idea that we can profit from their labour — la idea de que podemos aprovecharnos de su trabajo•
..., not that I want to, of course —..., no es que yo quiera, por supuestoIf the that clause is the subject of another verb it is usual to translate that as el que rather than que especially if it starts the sentence:•
oh that we could! — ¡ojalá pudiéramos!, ¡ojalá!In these cases the verb which follows will be in the subjunctive:that he did not know surprised me — (el) que no lo supiera me extrañó, me extrañó (el) que no lo supiera
wouldthat he should behave like this is incredible — (el) que se comporte así es increíble, es increíble que se comporte así
4) (=in order that) para que + subjunthose who fought and died that we might live — los que lucharon y murieron para que nosotros pudiésemos vivir
5)• in that — en el sentido de que
it's an attractive investment in that it is tax-free — es una inversión atractiva en el sentido de que está exenta de impuestos
* * *
I [ðæt]1) (pl those) ( demonstrative) ése, ésa; (neuter) esothose — ésos, ésas; (to refer to something more distant, to the remote past) aquél, aquélla; (neuter) aquello
those — aquéllos, aquéllas [According to the Real Academia Española the accent can be omitted when there is no ambiguity]
what's that? — ¿qué es eso?
who's that over there? — quién es ése/ésa?
those are $20 and those over there $21.50 — ésos cuestan 20 dólares y aquéllos de allá 21,50
who's that, please? — ( on telephone) ¿con quién hablo, por favor?
that's impossible/wonderful! — es imposible/maravilloso!
is that so? — no me digas!, ¿ah, sí?
don't talk like that! — no hables así!, no digas eso!
eat it up now, that's a good girl! — vamos, cómetelo todo así me gusta!
come on, it's not as bad as all that — vamos, que no es para tanto
2) (in phrases)at that they all burst out laughing — al oír (or ver etc) eso, todos se echaron a reír
he has enormous power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that — tiene mucho poder y muchas riquezas, pero aún así es infeliz
that is: we're all going, all the adults, that is vamos todos, es decir, todos los adultos; you're welcome to come along, that is, if you'd like to encantados de que vengas, siempre que quieras venir, claro; that's it!: that's it for today eso es todo por hoy; is that it? - no, there's another bag to come ¿ya está? - no, todavía falta otra bolsa; now lift your left arm: that's it! ahora levanta el brazo izquierdo eso es! or ahí está!; that's it: I've had enough! se acabó! ya no aguanto más!; that's that: you're not going and that's that! — no vas y no hay más que hablar or y se acabó
3) [ðət], strong form [ðæt] ( relative) queit wasn't Helen (that) you saw — no fue a Helen a quien viste, no fue a Helen que viste (AmL)
II [ðæt]those — esos, esas; (to refer to something more distant, to the remote past) aquel, aquella
those — aquellos, aquellas
do you know that boy/girl? — ¿conoces a ese chico/esa chica?
I prefer that one — prefiero ése/ésa
III [ðət], strong form [ðæt]conjunction queshe said (that)... — dijo que...
it's not that I mind what he does but... — no es que me importe lo que hace, pero...
they died that others might live — (liter) murieron para que otros pudieran vivir
IV [ðæt]adverb tanten thirty? that late already? — ¿las diez y media? ¿ya es tan tarde?
I'm not that interested, really — la verdad es que no me interesa tanto
20 grandullón
adj.oversized, overgrown, over-big.* * *► adjetivo1 familiar peyorativo great big► nombre masculino,nombre femenino* * *- llona masculino, femenino (fam) big kid (colloq)* * *- llona masculino, femenino (fam) big kid (colloq)* * *masculine, feminine* * *
grandullón,-ona adj fam big for his/her age: ¿no eres muy grandullón para esos juegos?, aren't you a bit too big for those games?
' grandullón' also found in these entries:
* * *♦ adjovergrown♦ nm,fbig boy, f big girl* * *m, grandullona f fambig kid fam
См. также в других словарях:
You're a Big Girl Now — «You re a Big Girl Now» Canción de Bob Dylan Álbum Blood on the Tracks Publicación 17 de enero de 1975 … Wikipedia Español
You're a Big Girl Now — Infobox Song Name = You re a Big Girl Now Caption = Album cover Artist = Bob Dylan Album = Blood on the Tracks B side = Released = January 17, 1975 Format = Recorded = Genre = Folk rock Length = 4:36 Label = Columbia Writer = Bob Dylan Producer … Wikipedia
You Should Be My Girl — Infobox Single | Name = You Should Be My Girl Artist = Sammie featuring Sean P of Youngbloodz from Album = Sammie Released = June 2006 Format = Recorded = 2006 Genre = R B, Hip hop Length = 4:01 Label = Rowdy/Universal Writer = Sammie, Sean Paul… … Wikipedia
Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) — Single par Mika extrait de l’album Life in Cartoon Motion Face A Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) Face B Instant martyr Sweet dreams (Are made of this) Standing in the way of control Sortie … Wikipédia en Français
Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) (Grandullona, eres guapa) es el cuarto sencillo del álbum debut Life in Cartoon Motion de Mika (cantante). Llegó al número 9 de la UK singles chart. Fue publicado el 23 de julio de 2007.… … Wikipedia Español
Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) — Infobox Single Name = Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) Artist = Mika from Album = Life in Cartoon Motion B side = Instant Martyr , Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) , Standing in the Way of Control Released = 16 July 2007 (download) 23 July 2007… … Wikipedia
Big Girl — Infobox Album | Name = Big Girl Type = Album Artist = Candy Dulfer Released = Start date|1996|2 Recorded = Studio 150, Zeezicht Studios, Cruise Control, Bananas Studios, etc. Genre = Smooth jazz Crossover jazz Length = 68:39 Producer = Thomas… … Wikipedia
You're a Big Boy Now (album) — Infobox Album Name = You re a Big Boy Now Type = soundtrack Artist = The Lovin Spoonful Released = May, 1967 Recorded = Genre = Folk rock Length = Label = Producer = Reviews = * Allmusic Rating|3|5 [http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg sql=10 … Wikipedia
big girl's blouse — noun An effeminate or weak man, a sissy. 2002, You can see why people might think you’re a bit of a big girl’s blouse, because you have manicures, sunbeds and bleach your hair. mdash; , June 2002 question to [ … Wiktionary
big girl's blouse — • a term that has more associations with the north of England, but is also used down south . Normally used as a term to playfully ridicule a young man who is a bit soft and shy. The sort of thing your uncle might say to you. eg. Come on, put your … Londonisms dictionary
Little Big Girl — «Little Big Girl» «Маленькая большая девочка» Эпизод «Симпсонов» … Википедия